♥why why why?
posted on Sunday, February 25, 2007.
Why do people think its okay to not tell me that their baby is sick before i bring my baby to their house to visit? i mean, i tell people when Vincent is sick. "ya. you can come over, but Vincent has a runny nose hes been a little sick, so i don't know if you want to. i'd love to see ya though, its up to you." - this to me is just common courtesy. now because someone neglected to tell me that their baby was sick, before our visit... Vincent and i are both sick. damn it.
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 10:04 PM.
♥Everyone needs a Bestfriend
posted on Friday, February 23, 2007.
Everyone needs a Best friend right? and that's why we got Vincent a puppy. Her name is Stella. she is four months old. She is sooo adorable. We've had her for about four days now, she is a great dog and super good with Vincent. I think Vincent already knows that she is his dog. They are so cute together. Stella will run around and bark trying to get him to chase her [[i guess she doesn't realize he cant walk]] and Vincent will laugh so hard at her, i managed to get a four second video of it before my battery on my camera went dead. I an hoping that she is here to stay and will become best friends with Vincent. *** Vincent can roll over now from his back to his stomach... yay. He also gets up on his knees now, getting ready to crawl. I noticed yesterday that he can switch hands now when he is holding a toy.
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 2:11 PM.
♥Stop Crying.... Pleassssse!
posted on Monday, February 19, 2007.
For some reason tonight Vincent wouldn't stop crying. i thought it was because he was really tired.... and he was, but every time i put him in bed he would cry and cry, until i just felt horrible and went and got him out. This is not normal for him, in fact we never have a problem with putting him to bed. Since he has been three months old he has slept in his crib and all we do is just lay him in his bed and he goes to sleep on his own... no crying or anything. In fact i think he loves his crib. BUT for some reason tonight he just didn't want to sleep ... but i could tell he was tired. I don't consider myself a pushover mom, i mean i know the difference in whining and actual 'i need you mom crying' and this was 'i need you mom crying' ... So finally i just brought him in our room and layed down with him and he didn't cry at all, he fell asleep. Now what was up with that? He never does this. Ever. And actually [[and i know I'm probably going to kick myself in the ass for saying this]] i kinda liked it.... ya, you heard me right i think i liked it. It made me feel wanted. On another note, Vincent and i really need some friends. I mean mom friends... with babies or a baby the same age as Vincent. I feel so lonely. And there isn't much to do around here anyway, so we just stay home by ourselves... I'd like a mom friend to go places with and stuff, to hang out with and bitch about our babies together. Its ruff being a mommy. ** i think i want to teach Vincent that baby sign language. i dunno?
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 2:14 AM.
posted on Sunday, February 11, 2007.
Vincents newest thing is his interest in wanting to feed himself instead of letting me do it. I'm almost positive that only half the food makes it to his mouth and the other half... well i honestly don't know where the other half goes. He screams now when he gets "mad". It is extremely irritating. He makes this mean face kinda like hes trying to touch his eyes with his nose and just lets this screech rip and let me tell ya hes got a set of lungs and every time he does it i find myself counting 10 ten quietly to myself while hyperventilating to get oxygen to my brain really fast so i don't freak out on him. I try not to give in to whatever it is that is making him do this annoying sound, but most of the time its easier to give in than to listen to that horrible screech. I I was at Publix a few days ago with Vincent of course, we were doing a quick run through to pick up a few things. Vincent proudly sits in the front of the cart now , with his blue striped shopping cart cover {{the germs ew, no thanks}} he definitely looks like a "big boy". This little girl walkes by and waves hi to him, my boy is already picking up ladies. When he started getting bored like he usually does i handed him an Avent bottle with cereal in it to keep him occupied, and I'll be damned if he didn't find out how to get the top off of it and spill all the cereal on the Publix floor, and as partners in crime, we left it there for the poor soul that has to sweep it up. Now before you pass judgment on me for just leaving the cereal there.... please do remember that i do plenty of sweeping at my house, in fact more than a fair share, so I'm sorry poor guy that had to sweep up my kids mess, at least you don't have to sweep my house.
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 4:40 PM.
posted on Friday, February 9, 2007.
Okay... now we are onto our .... what is it? 6Th tooth? ya that's right Vincent is cutting another tooth, and has been crying the past two days. GGRRR. i cant take it. its driving me insane. i bought this book called the Mommy Mantras its suppose to help you keep your cool when under stress by saying some phrases and stuff. SO when Vincent is creeping up on his 140,000Th minute of nonstop crying i try saying "breathe now!" [[ like page 19 tells you to do]] i will admit i think it works, either that or i am only bottling up my anger to just explode all over someone else later, who knows. I do though feel bad for my little man, there really isn't too much i can do do make him feel better besides try to distract him from the irritating pain. ***** I have noticed theses past couple days that Vincent is starting to look like a "real" boy now. i mean, like he looks older and not so infant like. Its pretty cool. He still doesn't crawl. Hes just happy rolling around on the floor and when he wants to go somewhere he just cries for me and i pick him up and take him where he needs to go, hell probably never crawl or walk and ill be like 90 years old still carrying him around... we will see.
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 7:38 PM.
posted on Tuesday, February 6, 2007.
Lately Vincent has been talking to us. Its really cute, i think he actually thinks hes saying something. Labels: talking
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 4:59 PM.
posted on Monday, February 5, 2007.
No more mushy baby food, we have moved on to miniature green beans and carrots, yay! Vincent is alot happier now when hes eating, remember before he would cry the whole time he was eating, which frustrated the both of us and made feeding him a chore instead of fun. i tried the number three foods and he hated those as well. So, i decided to give him those little green beans in the baby jars to see if he liked them or if he could even eat them. He loved them -not one little whimper he just opened his mouth wide for another bite. This makes me happy, happy mostly because hes happy now. Nothing else new, besides that i FINALLY got a picture of him smiling... well half smiling. I don't know what his deal is with the camera, but for some reason he will not smile if you are trying to take his picture. so this picture is now my prized possession.
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 10:26 PM.
posted on Sunday, February 4, 2007.
Vincent will be one in four months.... WOW and HOLYCRAP. Im going to admit that i am already starting to plan his party[[i know im a dork]]. I want it to be perfect -because turning one is a really big deal, thats why they call it "Your 1st Birthday". I am thinking im going to have it at a park here in town because I want to do something i think he would enjoy. I have already decided that i am going to buy him a wagon.
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 5:21 PM.
posted on Saturday, February 3, 2007.
I am currently waiting for Vincent to wake up... so my day can begin. Its crazy when i think of how i spent my days before Vincent, and honestly i cant even remember how i spent them, but i do know that now he is here my day revolves around him. When hes sleeping [whether its a nap or he just hasn't woke up yet to begin his day] its like my day is on pause. I mean sure i do laundry and a little house work maybe eat something or even play on the computer a while, but it just feels like i am trying to pass time until he wakes back up. Then when he does finally wake my day continues as normal. Its kinda feels like i cant wait until he goes to sleep, but then when he is asleep i cant wait until he wakes up.
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 10:57 AM.
posted on Friday, February 2, 2007.
I love my Vincent. He had to go to the doctors today to get his shot, he gets one every month so he doesn't get that RSV virus or whatever. Its so sad to watch him get a shot... every time i see it i almost cry. Its mostly sad because he doesn't understand why we are "hurting" him. I tell him its so he doesn't get sick, with being a preemie and all, it'd be dangerous for him to get that virus and mommy would be very worried. So its for the best. And he just cries. Right now hes jumping in his jumper just babbling. He doesn't even remember the shot he got earlier.. except for the two band aids on his thighs. [[oh also, he weighs 19.8 lbs. My big boy]] Labels: shot
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 8:39 PM.
posted on Thursday, February 1, 2007.
I bought Vincent a toy today... that i have really been wanting. Good thing he likes it huh, considering I'm the one that wanted it and all. Its this piano... its really cool. I brought it home immediately put it together and then right away went and woke Vincent up from his nap to show it to him. He loves it. He also got this new toy from my best friend Kristal... it one of those old school toys with the beads that move around on it. You'll know what I'm talking about when you see the picture, anyway he absolutely loves that thing to. He was playing with it for what felt like an hour today... YAY Kristal... thank you so much. Ive been trying to teach him the word NO. So today he was in his walker and he backed up to my shelf with a bunch of pictures on it... he tries to grab the pictures i said "no Vincent don't do that" and he looked at me and stopped. Then he turned around and tried to pull on my curtains that were right behind him so i said again "no Vincent" he looked at me and then pulled them again so i said again "NO. I said not to do that" and do you know what he did to me.... he laughed. It took every bit of control in my body not to start laughing with him, instead i kept a strait serious face and told him he "wasn't allowed to do that" and then went and pulled the walker away from the curtains and gave him a toy to play with instead. Also today, i gave him a bottle -which i will add that he can now hold on his own... let me give a little "YES". Anyway so i give him a bottle and he finishes it, i take the bottle away and sit him up to burp him , i smell poop. I look down and its all over the back of his shirt -eeewww! It had leaked/squished out of his diaper and all over the back of the shirt so when i took the shirt off the poop got all over him. I threw the shirt away.
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 10:30 PM.
about me. "Birth isn't just about procreation - it's about the creation of a mother, and as everyone knows, mothers are the fiercest creatures on this planet." im a... boy making, baby signing, co-sleeping, exclusivly breastfeeding, cue feeding, babywearing, tattooted and pierced, un-married and single, Pampers using, internet surfing, Yo Gabba Gabba loving, potty training at three, baby blogging kind of mom and i love it! email me at: callmealunatic[at]hotmail[dot]com = callmealunatic my boys. Vincent. 5/30/06 Daxton. 8/30/09 older posts. •January 2007 •February 2007 •March 2007 •April 2007 •May 2007 •June 2007 •July 2007 •August 2007 •September 2007 •October 2007 •November 2007 •December 2007 •January 2008 •February 2008 •March 2008 •February 2009 •March 2009 •April 2009 •May 2009 •June 2009 •July 2009 •August 2009 •September 2009 •October 2009 •November 2009 •December 2009 •January 2010 •back to the home page knowledge. •La Leche League Forums. •Kelly Mom. stuff i read. •Baby on Bored. •Martinis for Milk. •Nine Pound Dictator. •Alternadad. •Inspiring Birth Stories. find me. @ Myspace.com/callmealunatic be original! ;) |