Mother to Boys.

posted on Sunday, September 30, 2007.

Aside from all the rain bringing us down and ruining our trip to the park, i decided the best way to make it better was to go buy some Strawberry cupcake mix, cream cheese frosting, and a jar of sprinkles because everyone likes sprinkles. Baking we did and eating we enjoyed.

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 10:44 PM.

posted on Wednesday, September 26, 2007.

Look at his face, hes trying to be gangster. good job!


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 8:30 PM.

♥Tampons for toys, who knew?
posted on Monday, September 24, 2007.

The other day i was in the living room watching HGTV Channel. This is the channel I just cant stop watching, and i think its starting to become a real problem. Every time i watch any episode i immediately want to go out and buy paint to paint every room in the house a different color, I want to buy pillows and throws and curtains that match and coordinate ... i wanna make my house better. I want to put down hardwood floors and rip out the shitty factory mirror in my bathroom and replace it with a nice framed mirror. Oh the problems it is creating.

-Sooo I'm watching my HGTV and Vincents off in another room being quiet so i can hear the TV tell me what i need to go buy next and picture in my head the colors i can paint my walls. I decide after about 5 minutes i should go check on him, i go to his room which is usually where he is at, playing and talking to himself- although sometimes he takes our dog for company and locks her in the room with him. While he rides his rocking horse she chews his wooden blocks, they chat together and get along great and they arnt under my feet which is a major plus. Only this time he wasn't in his room, next place to look is our bathroom which is where he likes to throw things in the toilet when given the opportunity and play with mommys makeup and hair brushes. In our bathroom is where I find the boy missing in action, he has found mommys box of tampons and is playing with them, he throws some in the tub and some in the potty and he is lining the others up on the floor with just a few to spare so he can take them in and out of the box a million times in a row.

Stupid me I go and buy all these toys... who knew tampons in a tampon box would be just as fun, and a hell of alot cheaper.


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 11:37 PM.

♥Rain Rain [will you PLEASE go away]
posted on Wednesday, September 19, 2007.

So it was been raining now for three days straight, literally. Three whole days trapped inside, the playground is to wet to play and I'm not sure how days in a row we can watch Nick Jr. and Noggin all day before we go insane, I'm afraid we may find out soon enough. Til then, we will stare out the window waiting for things to dry up so we can go play again.

I use to love the rain, i would beg for the rain to last forever, then things changed when my son became a toddler, a toddler who needs to be free to run around and burn off some energy. Now when it rains i sigh and hope it will be over really soon.

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 7:54 PM.

posted on Thursday, September 13, 2007.

Yo Gabba Gabba is the shit..... check it out here it comes on Nick Jr. on weekdays at 10:30. Our favorite character is Brobee, the green little one. He's cuddly and cute, but also cautious and needs constant reassurance. He's sometimes scared to try new things. Music, singing, and dancing help give him confidence and help him to learn. They beat box and shit... its so cool. Vincent loves the show, he pays as much attention to it as he does to Elmo. .... Heres a short video, its a goodie.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 10:34 AM.

♥Misssing the Daddy
posted on Thursday, September 6, 2007.

The Daddy went out of town on Tuesday morning, little did i know by the time he left i would be sick sick sick. Oh yeah, did i mention i would be sick! I never ever get sick actually- and the one time The Daddy is scheduled to go out of town it would only be right if i chose to get sick right, perfect timing huh. No. I was stuck here all by myself with A toddler who doesn't really grasp the concept that mommy is sick. Most of the day i lay on the couch giving small requests and patient orders like 'please Vincent don't turn the TV off and on any more 100,000 times is enough you are going to blow it up and then The Daddy will be mad he cant watch CSI reruns.' or 'Vincent come here and give mommy a massage, puh- lease my back hurts so bad can you just rub it a little bit, may be for a second... i'll give you a dollar?' . We took bathes, about 5 to be exact because nothing is better than a steaming hot bath when you don't feel good. I promised Vincent tomorrow would be better before i put him to bed. I mean i did promise him that when The Daddy left we would have a party with lots of pretty girls all of which told me they wanted to pillow fight with him , but then i had to get sick and ruin the fun plans.

Today we ran some errands, and went to the park and had a picnic and then we went to Walmart and bought a toy ( a Magna Doodle) and another set of pajamas (we are pajama lovas). It was fun, but the truth is i miss my idiot (The Daddy). It was so weird going to bed without him last night i kept waking up at random times. I feel so lost, like i don't know what to do. I know i should be doing laundry right now or the dishes or cleaning up the bazillion toys all over the living room floor, but for some reason i cant. I feel as if i am waiting for something. Waiting for The Daddy to get home, so things will be back to normal. This is honestly the first time we have been away from each other since the first month we started dating. I guess you don't realize how much a person plays in your life until you spend a little time away from them. He is my partner. Things arnt right with out him. I kinda feel like I'm walking in circles not sure what to do, confused feeling. I'm glad i have The Boy to keep me company, and he is great company to have. We watched Elmo's World-- twice, yeah that's right you heard me twice while snuggling on the couch with our backyardigans pillow and our Elmo blanket, then we shared some Ramon noddles as i continued a lesson from yesterday on how to drink from a big boy cup.

Ah, what to do tomorrow?.....................


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 12:21 AM.

♥Dear Other Girls
posted on Monday, September 3, 2007.

This a short conversation today between Joey (the Daddy) and I while we were eating at the food court in the mall, as i am chewing my food it begins......

Joey asks me: Why do you always stare other girls down?

Me: What?

Joey asks again: Why do you always stare other girls down?

Me: I don't! And for your information I wasn't even looking at a girl, i was watching that Dad and his son over there.....

Joey stares at me

I stare at Joey

Me: Besides, most of the time when i am looking at another girl i am looking at what she is wearing not staring her down. Unless of course she looks like a filthy hoe, then she deserves to be stared down.

Joey: That's not what you look like. You don't look like this ::he makes a face:: ,,,,,you look like this ::he makes a different face::.

Me: Whatever! i don't look like that, i just look at what they are wearing... all girls do it, all girls look at other girls clothes.

so you other girls the point of the story is ...... I am not staring you down, i am looking at those really bad ass shoes you are wearing or that awesome shirt, or maybe that cool outfit. Unless of course you look like a filthy hoe, then I'm sure I'm not the only other girl staring you down.

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 8:38 PM.

♥Free at Last.
posted on Saturday, September 1, 2007.

It has been three and a half days that Vincent has had no bottle. Its not as hard as other moms make it out to be, in fact i don't even think Vincent realizes he hasn't had a bottle. No more washing bottles for me. I'm so excited, its a new step for the both of us. "You don't need a bottle anymore" i tell him "you re a big boy now". By next week if all is still going well, i will pack all the bottles up to be put away until another baby arrives. That will free me up a whole entire cabinet..... Hmmmm the possibilities, i wonder what i could put in there to take the place of those annoying bottles.


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 6:30 PM.