Mother to Boys.

posted on Monday, May 25, 2009.

Last weekend

Last Friday night [May 15th] I was having stomach cramps to me it kinda felt like Daxton was pushing outwards in the middle of my stomach, so i thought it was just himmoving and getting comfortable and then later that night i was having stomach pains which that i just wrote off as pregnancy gas because i had ate so much for dinner and then after dinner ate boiled peanuts and a slim jim which isn't so healthy. I thought i was paying my price. Then when i got up the next morning to start getting ready to leave the house for the day i thought my water broke... or was at least leaking which to me isn't so unlikely because Vincent was early so it was very believable. We went to the hospital and it turned out my water wasn't leaking but i was having alot of contractions and they kept me for about an our or more to monitor them. The nurse asked me alot of questions about my first pregnancy and about my son being early and how much fluids i drink during the day especailly that day in particular... which i had only had a large glass of milk for breakfast and that was all. She kept coming in and out of the room bringing me water to drink while Jay and i stared at the monitor that tells us when i am having a contraction. Mostly it was Jay staring at it and me saying "ok, whats it doing now? is that a contraction? How about now, did it do anything just then?" Apparently the feelings i had been feeling of Daxton pushing really hard against the middle of my belly was actually contractions, and was my stomach tightening not pushing out which means Ive been contractionfor about a month now and didn'tknow, which also means i had been contracting when i was pregnant with Vincent and didn't even know it then either. After the Water Nazi made me drink four glasses of water and two small cups of juice my contractions eased and we could finally leave. The lesson from this story kids is drink more water, especially if you are preggers. Since then Ivekept a bottle of water with me at all times and my stomach has been much more comfortable than it had been before, which make me happy.

Lazy, or is it tired? Possibly pregnant?

I don'tfeel like doing anything or going anywhere at all unless it has to do with eating food. I just don't feel like much. My stomach feels so heavy to me and it makes me tired fast or I get tired of walking and my calves start to cramp. If i do go out and have to walk alot, i walk incredibly slow, then on the flip side if i sit in one spot too long the muscles on the sides of my stomach start hurting really bad. I just really cant believe im only 23 wks pregnant i mean my belly is really big to me and i wasn'tthis big with Vincent at 23 wks, more like 26-27 wks maybe even 30 wks. They like to say that your second pregnancy is easy compared to your first, and that's just not true for me. I am much more uncomfortable, and i get exhausted much easier than the first time. I ache all over, and the muscles in the middle of my back feel over stretched around my sides from the weight of my stomach. I always need help getting up and down, which i am blaming on having a csection that now i have poor stomach muscles. I can hardly bend over anymore and shaving in the shower is much more of a chore than id like it to be. I can shave the right leg, but the left leg is kind of hard to do. I hurt all over, plus my stomach is always in the way basically..... if i wasn't actually growing a baby id probably hate this all together. On that note:: I complain about all of this, then i read about how other women are sick and have every symptom in the book and i feel for them because i hardly have any symptoms, my main thing is my body just hurts... really bad, to the point that i don't think its normal. I don't think how my body hurts is how its supposed to be, and isn't how it is for other women. I feel like there isn't room in me for a baby and my stomach is over stretched, like my muscles are going to rip or something.

Vincents got mad potty skills

Vincents been potty training the past few weeks and hes been doing pretty well. I think everyday he does a little better. I started a sticker chart for him and hes been happy with that, he goes potty on the potty with no accident he gets to put a sticker on the chart which i hung up in the bathroom plus he also gets two jelly belly jelly beans, which are his favorite and i also put the jar of jelly beans on the bathroom window shelf, so everything is there in one spot. The past couple days hes gone all day with only about two or three accidents, and hes actually told me a few times when hes needed to potty. At the end of the day before i put a diaper on him for bed we talk about how well he did going potty that day and i tell him im proud of him, because i truly am, hes a very smart boy and he amazes me in so many ways. Hes getting too big, and he should stop growing so fast.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 12:26 AM.

♥This Early Morning Makes for My 6th Month.
posted on Thursday, May 14, 2009.

Whats new?

Daxton 22Wks and counting...

•Daxton reacts to loud sounds.
•He starts having a regular sleeping and waking rhythm.
•His Mommy's movements can wake him.
•Taste buds are forming on your his tongue.
•Daxton is approx. 28cm long (crown to heel) and weighs over 450 grams.
•The weekly weight gain has increased to around 70 grams.

Daxton is about 11 inches long and weighs in at about 1 pound. His eyebrows and eyelids are fully developed, and the fingernails cover the fingertips. Sounds from a conversation are loud enough to be heard by him in the uterus. If you talk, read, or sing to him, it's reasonable to expect him to be able to hear you.

I have noticed Daxton is very aware and alert now. If i touch my belly he responds almost immediatly and if i roll over while I'm sleeping, or change positions to get comfortable he starts moving and kicking for a few minutes before settling back down. Hes so big now that when he kicks you can usually see movement on the outside of my belly if you are watching.

I'm Sleepy

Ive been really tired this past week and I cant seem to stop yawning. I haven't really wanted  to do much, and when i do go out and do something i feel like i need a nap afterwards. Ironically I'm so tired but then when morning comes i cant sleep. This is the third time i have been up around seven o'clock  in the morning in the past week because i just cant stay asleep and if i stay in bed i usually just toss and turn trying to get comfortable and rolling from side to side takes so much effort in itself, i may as well just get out of bed.

Add Salt

I'm still craving salty food and I want to add salt to alot of things, which isn't like me. Other than when I'm cooking i don't really ever  add salt to my food. For the most part Ive been craving really salty french fries with ketchup which is also not the norm for me, im usually not really a ketchup person, its not that i don't like it or anything its just not a staple food to me and im assuming i want it because it has a really salty taste.

My belly itches, and Daxton, could you move over a little bit?

My belly's been itching, especially if i forget to put lotion on it. Thanks to my wonderful caring  boyfriend Ive been using Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter, which i LOVE LOVE LOVE.  It works so well and smells so very good. I like it because its not greasy, but its still thick. I took care of my skin and didn't get any stretch marks when i was pregnant with Vincent, and so far i have none this time either. Just an itchy belly. Daxton loves to push out against my belly making it really hard and tight feeling, and plan uncomfortable. Its where, for the most part, he stays. As if he doesn't want to miss anything that's going on.

A Third Birthday

Vincents third birthday is in about two weeks. I'm so proud of him, hes such a happy little boy and hes getting so big so fast. Too fast. It doesn't seem like three years has passed yet, i still feel like we just brought him home from the hospital. Time flys when you become a mother, the years seem to pass in a blink of an eye. Sometimes i lay in bed with him when hes sleeping just staring at him, its almost as if hes a little stranger sleeping in my bed, hes grown so fast and i think to myself ...

 'Who are you? When did you get so big, and who will you be next year or the year after, what will you be like, or what will you look like? Still the same in so many ways but different in so many small ways that make you a new person.' 

[caption id="attachment_181" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Almost three."]Almost three.[/caption]

Normally on Vincents birthday i write him  a letter which i will hopefully have ready by his birthday and will post here in his blog.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 8:34 AM.

posted on Tuesday, May 5, 2009.


The news

 I went April 29th for my anatomy ultrasound and I had asked Jay if he would go with me a week or so before,  so he was there with me. The wait in the waiting room felt like years and it was giving me nervous anxiety. When they finally called us back  the nurse started the ultrasound right away, and she asked if we wanted to know the sex of the baby which of course i did, i was dying to know. After taking measurments and pushing bunches of buttons on the machine she told us its a boy! His name is Daxton. I'm so excited to be able to call him by a name now. She also told me hes in the breeched position, which means hes feet first for delivery instead of head first, so im probably going to have another c-section unless he turns around... and im not seeing that happen. Vincent stayed in the breeched position the whole time i was pregnant and he never turned. I'm so excited to be a mom to two boys. I always wanted boys. This makes me happy. Plus its good for Vincent because he has a little sister on the way at his Daddys house and shes due about the same time as Daxton, so now he has a brother to play with at my house and yet he still gets to be a big brother to a little sister, which i think is great.

Potty training... again

We started potty training Vincent again. Hes not starting off as well as he did the first time, and it really pisses me off. Had we done things the way  i wanted the first time he probably would have been using the potty by now. He tells me when hes had an accident, but i don't think he is aware of when he actually has to go yet. I just keep reminding him when he has an accident that he needs to go in the potty, im sure he will get the hang of it eventually.

Baby shower and stuff

 Jay went with me to register for Daxtons things after the ultrasound on the 29th and I registered at Babies R Us, so if you look at the top of my blog page here, you will see a tab that says My Baby Registry and if you click it you can find all the info about it under that tab. I will leave it up until after Daxton gets here so its available at anytime until then. I only registered for the things i needed, so itd be so helpful if people shopped from it. The baby shower is scheduled for Saturday, June 20th. Its early because I'm assuming this baby will be early just like Vincent and id like to have everything ready before hand. Not like when Vincent was born, we hadn't even had a baby shower or anything yet, so we had nothing but a crib and crib mattress. I will be prepared this time, so i can just sit back and wait for the baby. The shower should be fun, with lots of kids and food. They can go swimming in the lake if they like, and we are going to try and have a boat for boat rides because they seemed to like that at my sisters birthday party back last september. I have a friend with a bounce house for the kids, and hopefully we can get that over here and set up. It should be fun. I hope we have a good turnout, with a big party because i love get togethers.


Daxtons activity has picked up.  I had an infection the past couple weeks and since i have been taking the medication the doctor perscribed hes been even more active. He pretty much has spurts of activity now equally as much as he has quiet moments. His kicks still arnt very strong. He will have an occasional hard kick but for the most part its just him wiggling around with a few bumps and punches. He kicks and moves in response to my movements now which makes me so happy.  If i poke him, or put my hand on him he kicks it and the other day Jay and i were poking at him and i said "hey, you should  put your ear on my stomach and see if you can hear him when he kicks" so he did and i could feel Daxton move down my belly underneath Jays head and after about twenty seconds Daxton kicked him in the cheek really hard, i think that was the hardest kick hes ever done. We both laughed at him, its funny, he kind of  has his own personality already.

Leaving you with what we do for fun.



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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 2:15 PM.