Mother to Boys.

♥How big is Baby?
posted on Friday, July 31, 2009.

Weeks 33-36 (Month 8): Honeydew

Baby’s senses are continuing to improve -- when light peeks in through your (extremely) stretched belly, those tiny eyelids and irises blink and dilate. And, baby can now recognize and react to simple songs… time to start practicing your lullabies! Growth (at least inside your womb) is starting to slow, and you may notice baby descend into your pelvis at the end of this month.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 2:42 PM.

posted on Thursday, July 30, 2009.

I'm 33wks today and I'm way tired
i can actually say i am done getting the things i need for Daxton. I have been racking my brain trying to think of things i may have forgot and i haven't forgotten anything, I have all i need. What a relief. I spent the last month somehow managing to collect the things i need and all i really spent was maybe three hundred dollars if that. I can honestly say i am pretty damn proud of myself! i did it and with the help of a few family members and friends and then my finding things at great prices and not buying the things i don't need... i am done. so this part is for you...

-If you have helped me in anyway what so ever to prepare for Daxton i owe you a HUGE thank you and it couldn't be anymore sincere. THANK YOU! Thank You!

i spent the whole day getting the rest of my things, including two more nursing bras. These two are not the same as the first one i bought, but they are equally as nice. they fit great and look great. I'm so excited that i actually found nursing bras i like and wont mind wearing. i also went to Target today to get a few things and while i was there bought this way cute blanket that has porcupines on it, i cant wait to use it. I bought a body pillow to help me sleep for the next few weeks, the past few mornings i haven't been able to sleep because i keep rolling all my weight onto my stomach or ill roll onto my back and both of them cause me to start having contractions. I also got the pillow to help me with the midnight feedings once Daxton gets here.

but speaking of contractions
i don't know how much longer Daxton will stay in me. I think he wants out. either that or my body is ready for him to be out. I have been having uncomfortable contractions since about the middle of last week, nothing makes them stop. The pill I'm taking eases them a little bit but it doesn't make them go away like it was doing for me before. which is fine, he can come out when he wants to once I'm past week 35. I want to be past week 35!

I'm wiser
so the first time i was pregnant i washed all of Vincents clothes like they tell you to do in all the baby magazines and in all the baby books. "wash all the baby's clothes before he/she gets here" .. yeah, not the case this time. i learned from the last time and I'm a wiser and a more experienced mom. I'm NOT washing all of Daxtons clothes. I did however wash a select few so that they're ready for when he comes home, but the rest will stay in the nice store packaging until i am ready to use them. That way if he out grows them before he actually gets to wear them i can exchange them for bigger sizes. Just like last time when Vincent had about thirteen hundred receiving blankets and i only used not even half of them... i don't have that many this time, its just a waste.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 9:49 PM.

posted on Wednesday, July 29, 2009.

So tomorrow is the start of my dreaded 33wks. I have alot of confidence we will make it through the week only because i don't feel near as bad as i did when i was pregnant with Vincent at this point in time. With him i was in so much pain by this week that i literally just felt sick, almost to the point of being in tears. I feel pretty good right now besides the normal aches and pains but nothing abnormal.

i found some more Baby Legs that were on sale and instead of being ten dollars each they were three dollars each. I also got this AMAZING nursing bra and I'm totally in love with it. I hate nursing bras, they really suck. They're always itchy and uncomfortable and they never fit nice, but this bra i got is awesome! I'm planning on getting some more of them because thats how much i like it. I also got some reusable nursing pads to try out. I plan on making some myself, but i wanted to try these out first to get some ideas for my own. Then instead of buying a twenty dollar milk storage container for the freezer i bought an ice storage holder which is basically the same thing for only three dollars.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 5:21 PM.

posted on Tuesday, July 28, 2009.

I love this picture of Vincent. He's getting so big and this picture shows it.

Baby belly pictures.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 8:32 PM.

posted on Saturday, July 25, 2009.

almost there
even though you can never actually say you have everything you need for a baby i feel like I'm pretty close. Ive spent the last week narrowing down my list of stuff. I got a bunch of Playtex Drop in bottles today from someone who didn't need them anymore, they're supposed to be the best bottles for baby to transition back and forth from breast to bottle. I tried them when Vincent was a baby and i didn't like them because i was under the assumption you had to "push" the air out of them which is near impossible and a complete pain in the ass. In actuality you don't have to push the air out and the liner still collapses likes its supposed to letting no air in. Either way i don't plan to bottle feed very often because I'm planning to exclusively breastfeed. Ive been joining message boards for advice and support and its making me feel pretty good about all of it. I'm learning things i didn't know that's pretty helpful and getting advice from woman with experience and knowledge. I'm pretty excited.

Didn't realise
I'm completely aware of what week in my pregnancy I'm in and I'm completely aware that the weeks are narrowing down but what i didn't realise is "hey i need to, and i should pack my hospital bag". So i packed it yesterday which only took all of 15 minutes and its sitting in the living room waiting to be carried to the hospital. I decided its best to have it done and ready to go considering that when my water broke with Vincent at 33wks i hadn't even packed my bag yet. I had to pack it right before we walked out the door. Its ready this time.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 8:32 PM.

♥SO Thankful.
posted on Thursday, July 23, 2009.

i have been trying to sell my Ipod to get a breastpump so i put it on craigslist yesterday for sale or trade, and i was swamped with tons of emails from other moms offering me info on other places i could try for a free one,(like WIC and such). I had a few from people who wanted to trade and then later today i received an email from a mom who had a Medela Double Electric Pump she said i could just have and she didn't want anything in return. She said it was older but it worked fine and she no longer needed it. I went to pick it up and when i was there she also gave me a HUGE bag of Playtex drop in bottles, some of them were still in the box. She also gave me a brand new value size box of Lansinoh breast pads (which are one of my favorite brands), a BUNCH of packs of the Lansinoh wipes never opened, and a box of bags that you use to sterilize the pump pieces. The pump is in excellent condition it hardly even looks used so i brought it home and plugged it in and it works fantastic. I'm so thankful to her that i just don't know what else to say. I feel so lucky and so thankful and so relieved and happy.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 4:18 PM.


Today makes for 32wks even, which means less than 7wks left before Daxton makes is way into our lives.

paranoid, my history of preterm labor
next week will be 33wks which is the same week that i previously went into labor. I'm so nervous, stressed and paranoid. Lastnight i was having a dull cramp and debated for about an hour whether i should go to the hospital or not. I don't want to be over reacting but at the same time i don't want to make a mistake, its really stressful because I'm so afraid of going into labor again too early. I feel like maybe the first time i must have missed some kind of signs that told me labor was soon, so this time everything is a sign to me. Every cramp i feel sends me into mindless thought of what it could be from. I called my mom lastnight and we decided i should take a long bath and drink a bottle of water and see if that would help and if not we would go to the hospital and it actually helped so i decided to just stay home. I just want the next two weeks to fly by, if i can make it past 33wks ill feel a little less stressed.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 10:45 AM.

♥Yesterday's Picture.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 12:06 AM.

posted on Tuesday, July 21, 2009.

By far one of my most favorite baby websites is the Bump and today when i was browsing their site i found this really neat tool they have to calculate your contractions. It keeps track of them and then allows you to print the results. Pretty cool. It also has a breastfeeding tracker that could be useful for the first couple weeks until i fall into a pattern.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 1:52 PM.

posted on Monday, July 20, 2009.

not much to say
the past couple months i haven't really been leaving the house, unless its to go grocery shopping or to doctors appointments or something. When i do leave I'm quickly reminded why i don't leave. my body hurts and i start having really strong contractions if i stand or walk for a while and the contractions make Daxton feel like he weighs about 10lbs easy almost to the point i feel the need to hold my stomach from the weight. I'm more comfortable at home. Ive been taking my prescription for the contractions and it doesn't seem to be helping as much anymore. I have a feeling Daxton will be here sooner than later but if he could seriously just make it to 35-36 wks i wouldn't ask anything else from him. I know that's still pretty preterm, but Vincent was born at 33 wks so any thing past 35 wks sounds pretty damn nice to me.

let me just say
I love Publix Icecream. Love. Its oh so very good.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 10:06 PM.

♥Makes me laugh.
posted on Friday, July 17, 2009.

The things you can remember at some random time and it just makes you smile in a weird but warm way. People find comfort in the weirdest memories.

We both hate vodka, but it was left overs and it couldn't just sit there and waste so we took turns taking shots of it and then later that night we were both throwing up in the toilet which totally sucked but would later be laughed about between the both of us.

While i was sitting in the bottom of the tub under the hot shower and you were taking your turn at the toilet I can still remember the short, but important conversation that took place

"i told you i didn't like Vodka, is it all gone?" i asked

"yeah i think we drank all of it" you said

and my only reply was "good cause i really don't want to drink anymore of it".

- I dont think ive had any shots of Vodka since that night.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 2:49 PM.


oh the craziness.
i feel like all of my emotions are having a war against each other, like i cant relax or i cant turn my mind off. Basically this past week my hormones have hijacked my emotions and they are taking them for one wild ass ride. One second I'm annoyed and angry with everyone and then the next I'm crying about a commercial on TV. I lay in bed at night just thinking and thinking until i finally fall asleep and then in the morning when i wake up my thoughts pick back up right where they left off the night before with a thousand thoughts racing through my head at one time. I really hope this passes soon, i don't know how much longer i can take it.

enough of me
now that Daxtons about to make his way into this world I'm becoming increasingly worried i wont have enough of me to share between Vincent and him. I know that all moms tend to feel this way when their second baby is about to arrive, but the feeling is so real. I'm wondering if Vincent will feel replaced or feel like i don't love him as much. It makes me sad. Since the day he's been born he's been my one and only and Ive never loved anyone as much as i love him, he tops the charts, hes my favorite and now there is another baby on the way and in its own way my love for Daxton is just as equal to the love i have for Vincent. Whats going to happen if Daxton has a bad day of crying and being fussy and all my attention has no choice but to be payed to him, then how will Vincent feel? will he even notice or care? I just don't want him to feel like i don't want him anymore or feel like i don't have time for him because the new baby is here.

reality check
as everyone knows i had a c-section with Vincent because he was breeched and it was no biggie because we had known the whole pregnancy that that's probably how it would end, it wasn't a surprise to us. i had read enough about it that i wasn't worried or scared when the day came. it was a breeze, so much so that when i found out this pregnancy that Daxton was breeched like Vincent was and that id probably be having another csection i wasn't worried about it. i did it before, i can do it again. Then the other night when i was trying to go to sleep i was watching Vincent as he slept next to me and it came to me what if something happened to me? i mean a csection is major surgery and what if something happened to me during the procedure? it made me start to cry. with the first surgery i wasn't worried because i had no real reason to be, but now i do have a reason, and the reason is Vincent. He depends on me as his mom and he expects me to be there for him. Now all of a sudden I'm feeling alot of anxiety about this csection.

(-i told you... they fucking hijacked my emotions!!)

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 1:42 PM.

♥The Most Wild Thing of All.
posted on Tuesday, July 14, 2009.

..."when he came to the place where the wild things are
they roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth
and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws

till Max said “BE STILL!”
and tamed them with the magic trick

of staring into all their yellow eyes without blinking once
and they were frightened and called him the most wild thing of all and made him king of all wild things."

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 10:29 PM.


Just messing around on the internet and i found this cool tool at the Baby Zone site, its a Baby Name Advisor. You just fill in your babys name and it tells you all about it. This is what it read for Daxtons name. (i just took out the last name because i wasnt comfortable putting my childrens full names on the internet)

Daxton Reese (last name)

The name Daxton Reese (last name) inspires trust, confidence, and security. This name is grounded and practical, and promotes steady progress and consistent effort. Daxton Reese (last name) makes one feel that everything will be taken care of; you are in good hands. Not a dreamer and lacking imagination, this name represents integrity and stability. It is comforting, a strong foundation, and the bedrock of society. It also reflects strong organizational skills and an eye for detail. It has a strong sense of structure. Family-oriented.

The name Daxton Reese (last name) reflects a rigid, inflexible atmosphere, which, however, is good for some businesses, such as insurance, banks, accounting, and brokerage firms.

Daxton Reese (last name)'s most positive characteristics: Reliable, trustworthy. Structured and disciplined. Makes steady progress.

Daxton Reese (last name)'s most negative characteristics: Rigid. Lacks passion, creativity, and tolerance.

and then this is what it read for Vincent's name
Vincent Steven (last name)

The name Vincent Steven (last name) reflects drive, a pioneering spirit, leadership, independence and originality. The energy behind this name is strong and forceful and promotes an unconventional, innovative, and decisive approach. Highly focused and self-reliant, the name Vincent Steven (last name) carries with it an unmistakable "can do" attitude. It reflects confidence, energy, strength and perseverance. There is a definite sense of danger and risk-taking as well.

The name Vincent Steven (last name) does not inspire patience and sensitivity, and does not promote cooperation or a diplomatic approach to problem solving. Think of this name as a masculine, aggressive, creative force.

Vincent Steven (last name)'s most positive characteristics: Strength, originality, courage, imagination, creativity, confidence. Good for competitive, high-risk ventures.

Vincent Steven (last name)'s most negative characteristics: Pride, intolerance, excessive aggressiveness. Not good for people-oriented ventures or healing, counseling and retail businesses.

and this is what it read for my own name

Samantha Lee (last name)

Samantha Lee (last name) reflects idealism, the good of mankind. Samantha Lee (last name) is the humanitarian with the power to make things happen and the integrity to stay the course. A mover and a shaker, without a selfish bone in its body; the name Samantha Lee (last name) attracts respect, support, and devoted fans. It seems even that the Universe tends to support what the name Samantha Lee (last name) represents. Speaks to people of all walks of life. Tolerant and broad-minded.

This name pursues goals other than money and power. It seeks justice. It wants to feed the hungry and heal the sick. And yet, the resources it needs to do the job seem to always magically appear.

Samantha Lee (last names)'s most positive characteristics: Integrity, love for all, charisma. Encourages the best in people.

Samantha Lee (last name)'s most negative characteristics: Naive, seeks fame, vulnerable to criticism, not a good judge of character.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 10:08 AM.

posted on Monday, July 13, 2009.

The Plan
My first pregnancy i didn't create a birthplan, this time i am a wiser girl. This is the plan i have wrote with the consideration that i am probably having another csection. I have already had a section and I'm fine with everything that happens before the procedure so this plan is focused more towards my son following the procedure.

My Birth Plan

This is my 2nd csection and for the most part i know what to expect.I had a horrible experience with my first birth that resulted in me developing PPD, so this birthplan is mainly concerning my son and what happens with him following his birth.I understand rules ,but i would like my wishes to be followed as they are allowed because this is something that i will never forget so id like for it to be a happy memory.

* I do not want my arms restrained and if they have to be then i want them to be released when i am introduced to my baby so that i can touch and hold him with out having to fight with the straps.

*i would like my baby held up right after he is born- before he has been cleaned off for me to see him.

* I would like to hold my baby MYSELF immediately after he is cleaned and wrapped in a blanket.

*I prefer my baby to remain on my chest, in my arms, or in my birth partners arms throughout suturing, recovery, etc.

*If my baby needs extra attention i would like my birth partner to stay with the baby at all times.

*I prefer to begin breastfeeding the baby as soon as possible after birth, WITHIN the FIRST HOUR and i would like to have the hospitals lactation consultant present for my first feeding if shes available.

*I plan to exclusively breastfeed and i DO NOT want my baby given any formula, bottles, or pacifiers of ANY kind without it being discussed with me BEFORE hand.

* i would like non separation for recovery period if its allowed, if not then i would like my son brought to me as soon as i get to my room so i can begin breastfeeding and bonding, i do not want to wait hrs to see him.

*I would like my baby to stay with me at all times, unless there is a need for him to be in the nursery.

I tried to keep it simple so that it can be easily followed. I will make ten copies of this damn thing to hand out to every nurse who walks in my room, aside from handing it out i will voice it every chance i get. I will have the control this time.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 2:45 PM.

posted on Sunday, July 12, 2009.

the belly a few days ago, this is what i see.

"you're going to be a big brother".

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 10:44 AM.

posted on Saturday, July 11, 2009.

yesterday Vincent went the whole day without having any potty accidents and i wasn't even asking him about going to the bathroom, he did it all on his own. I think hes finally learning to hold it and hes actually told me two separate times while we were in public when he needed to go. I'm going to be so happy when this is all done with. His new motivation... if he goes to the potty all by himself with no help he gets a piece of gum, but If he has an accident or if i have to help him then he doesn't get any. So far its been working pretty well.

i posted about a year and a half ago or maybe even two years about the show Yo Gabba Gabba, it was back when it first came out. I had posted about how i loved the show. well i still love it, its by far one of my favorite children shows on TV. Its educational and at the same time its actually cool. All the songs are original, catchy and easy for a three year old to learn and understand. Occasionally ill hear Vincent singing one of the songs like the I'm so happy song.

I'm loving checking the mail these days. its almost like its my birthday every time i check it. Ive been receiving samples galore. Yesterday when i checked it i had a package from Gerber and in the package was a not samples, but a whole box of breastpads and an entire tube of their breastcream. I was totally not expecting that at all, that's so cool of them. When i was pumping and breastfeeding Vincent the Gerber breastcream was my favorite so I'm pretty excited to get some for free.

Ive been debating whether or not i want to buy or get a crib before daxton gets here. I have the co-sleeper bassinet for the first few months and after that i had planned on moving him to the bed with me and continuing to co-sleep, at least that's my wishes. So actually a crib wasn't even in the plans at all. The only thing I'm concerned about is what if Daxton just doesn't want to co-sleep. Vincent wanted to sleep with me for his first few months and then after about 3 months he wanted nothing to do with sleeping with someone, he was much happier in his own crib sleeping in his own room. I guess i could hold off and just go with the flow and Ill worry about it when i get there.

Ive started to notice Daxton's wake and sleep patterns. Normally he will sleep through the night with hardly any movement at all unless i happen to wake up to go to the bathroom or maybe if i roll over to switch positions he'll spend a few seconds getting comfortable again, but he wont kick or punch, he just moves around until hes found his comfy spot on my bladder and then once hes found it he goes right back to sleep. His most active time is usually in the early mornings when its just starting to be light outside, usually about 7ish I'm guessing. Around that time he'll spend a good ten to fifteen minutes kicking, punching, poking and or whatever else it is he does that involves extreme movement. When he thinks he's done he'll calm down, but i can still tell he is awake and just waiting because if i move again or switch sides he'll go back at it. This period of time usually lasts about 45 minutes total until hes back asleep for the remainder of the morning or until i officially wake up and start my day. The past month or so i haven't been able to sleep past ten o'clock. I'm assuming its because my body is preparing me for a schedule to care for a baby. Daxton usually spends his days pretty calm with small bursts of activity throughout the day, but for the most part he's pretty laid back.

A big baby and hiccups
I noticed yesterday before i got out of the bed in the morning that Daxton seems like hes noticeably bigger. My stomach wasn't bigger but it felt like he was, almost like he grew alittle during the night. He also gets the hiccups all the time now. he usually gets them at least three times a day and its funny because if you look at my stomach you can actually see when he hiccups.

One more mark off my list
thanks to my samples and what not Ive been receiving in the mail my "stuff i need" list is getting even smaller and then today i was looking for a round cake pan so that i could bake a cake for my brother and i stumbled upon Vincents old baby monitors. i plugged them in and they still work great, just like they did when we first bought them. I was so excited because its just one more important thing i can mark off my list. why the baby monitor was in with the cake pans? i really don't know.

Sunny D
i read on the net that pregnant women get cramps in their legs because of a lack of Vitamin C in their diet, so for the past few days i have drank a glass of Sunny Delight which will give you 100% of your vitamin c for the day and sure enough its been working. I haven't had any cramps in my legs in the past 3 days. Thank god because they hurt.

i read this in a blog the other day and wanted to share it. I believe more men should be like this one.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 9:39 PM.

posted on Friday, July 10, 2009.

Before Vincent was born i had decided i was going to breastfeed, infact It was never even a question of whether i was going to or not, i just was. It was the right choice for me. I had chose to have a baby because i wanted to be a mom, not just because i wanted a baby. I wanted everything that came with being a mom and i didn't want to take the easy way out and breeze through it. I wanted the experience and I wanted to research it and make all the right choices for us. I wanted to be involved in it heart and soul, i wanted to consume it and be the best i could ever be at it. I had never been so fully passionate about anything in my life as i was about becoming and being a mother.

No women in my family breastfed, atleast not that i had ever seen or heard of. Believe it or not i had only seen one woman that i can even remember breastfeed in front of me and it happen to be when i was pregnant with Vincent. Too me she was an ideal mom, we would sit and talk for the short hour or so that i visited, she was smart and for the first time i felt like i had met someone who shared the same passion for being a mother as i did. When i would talk to her about things i read or things i wanted she knew what i was talking about, it didn't go in one ear and out the other, she actually had input and advice. I watched her as she breastfed her son and i was inlove with the bond and closeness they seemed to share and i was inlove with the fact that she didn't take the easy way out. She knew what she wanted as a mother and she knew she had choices and she took advantage of them. This same woman is the first mother i had ever personally met that had tried for a homebirth.

I was intrigued because i had never met another woman who took such passion in her mothering choices. In my family it seemed as if we just got pregnant, went to the hospital and had the baby and then came home and took care of it. Its just the way it was done, and i knew no different and certainly if it was any different i wasn't ever aware of it. I mean i was aware that i had choices, i just wasn't aware that i could put them into action until i had found another mom like me. A mom who wanted to breastfeed, a mom who wanted to baby wear, a mom who wanted to teach her infant sign language and co-sleep and make her own baby food and spend hours reading about parenting and honestly enjoy it. I was all about it. This same mom bought me my first baby sling and showed me how to use it.

In the end breastfeeding didn't work out with Vincent and i, he was premature and had to stay at the hospital for three weeks and i was clueless about breastfeeding. I hadn't read enough, i hadn't learned enough and i just assumed it would just happen like it should. I thought it was going to be like two puzzle pieces that just fit together, but its not, its a skill. One that takes practice and patience.

We had went out and bought a breastpump after Vincent was born so that i could pump for him and so my milk wouldn't dry up, i set my clock to a feeding schedule and would pump ever three to four hours like i was supposed to. I stored my milk in our freezer and we would take it to Vincent in the NICU when we visited him. No one at the hospital really talked to me about breastfeeding or asked me or even told me to practice breastfeeding him in the hospital and then when he finally came home three weeks later it was too late. I felt like i had missed my oppertunity.

I continued to pump for another two months before it became too tiring and to wearing on my body and my nerves. Waking up around the clock to pump then feeding him and getting him back to sleep so that i could sleep just so that i could wake up again in an hour to pump and then do it all over again. I tired and i failed. I was relieved when i finally made the choice to stop, but my relief quickly turned to jealousy or envy when i would see other moms breastfeeding their babies. I was jealous of their bond and i envied the fact that she was a mom who stuck with it and was able to do it. I started to feel like i gave up too easy. I regretted giving up and i regretted not trying hard enough. It was a very sensitive spot for me.

then when i found out i was pregnant with Daxton, once again breastfeeding wasn't even a question. I was going to do it and its just the way it was going to be. I was going to read anything and everything i could about it. I was going to figure out who could help me, what my resources were and i was going to put them to full use. So far i have kept my word and I wont give up this time, i know how much it actually means to me now and i get a second chance to make it right and I'm going to take full advantage of it and this time in the end it will be Daxtons personal choice. I will do all i can on my side to make it work so it will be up to him if it works out or not, and i will be fine with whatever he chooses because ill know that i did the best i could this time.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 10:53 AM.

♥It's all good.
posted on Thursday, July 9, 2009.

I'm 3o wks as of today. Yay! I'm so happy and I feel like Daxtons finally almost here.

Still breeched
I had the high risk apt today, the one i was stressing about yesterday. Everything is fine with Daxton, i guess they just moved some people around for whatever reason. I hate going to the high risk appointments because it seems like we always have to wait forever in the waiting room.After waiting an hour i finally got to go back and see Daxton on the ultrasound machine again and he is still breeched. He's in an Incomplete Breeched position also kown as a Footling Breech and he's facing towards my right arm, he is literally using my bladder as a seat.
Big baby
aside from Daxton still being breeched, when she measured him today she asked me what week I'm in because Daxton's measurements are measuring him in at 32wks2days and I'm only 30 wks along. He weighs a whole 4lbs6oz and hes a healthy, happy baby. They checked my cervix which is still showing no signs of labor so I'm not due back to see them again for another month from now. I'm excited, the doctor said the chances of preterm labor seem like they are getting smaller and smaller. I'm so glad. He still has enough room and fluid to turn around if he wants to, so lets cross our fingers.

Daxton's hand

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 12:32 PM.

posted on Wednesday, July 8, 2009.

im was supposed to go to my high risk apt for Daxton on the 10th which is Friday, but they called me today and asked me if i could come in tomorrow. I just figured that a patient had canceled and they were trying to move someone else up to open up more appointment spaces blah blah, so i told the lady on the phone that it was fine and that i could come tomorrow. "What time" i asked "well, what time could you come?" was her reply. So obviously I'm not filling a canceled spot if they are allowing me to choose what time is most convenient for me. Its got me wondering if maybe they found something wrong with Daxton, or maybe my glucose test results that i took a week ago. I should have asked her over the phone why they wanted me in earlier, but my mind was racing and i didn't think to ask. Hopefully things will be fine. Last i heard i was just scheduled for a growth ultrasound and a cervical check. He seems fine to me hes kicking and squirming around as I'm typing this. Maybe i should just stop thinking so much. Ill blog tomorrow.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 8:17 PM.

posted on Monday, July 6, 2009.

Ive been slowly narrowing down my "what else i need list" before Daxton gets here and today i bought two nursing bras off craigslist for $5. They were pretty damn decent for only $5. They don't have under wire so they will make for great and comfy lounging bras for around the house considering you pretty much always have to wear a bra when you breastfeed unless you want to leak everywhere. I also found this Amy Cloe diaper bag someone was selling last night for only $10 so i snagged that too. Its white leather with black straps and the inside is pink with white poka dots, it also comes with the changing pad that matches, its really nice. Since my diaper bags double as my purse when i use them i buy them for myself not for the baby hence the reason its not boyish. I'm pleased.

the diaper bag
More Samples
I received more samples in the mail today, so exciting, this time they were from Medela. They sent me a small sample of Tender Care Nipple Cream, a Quick Clean Wipe for breastpump accessories, a Pump and Save Breastmilk Storage Bag (which is nice, i like there storage bags) and then a set of their Nursing Pads. I also got a Dr. Browns 4oz bottle in the mail. Oh yeah, and i got my packet of coupons from the Healthy Start site which included two coupons for an 8 pack of formula in the glass bottles like the hospital gives you already premixed you just fit the bottle top right on the bottle. I don't plan on cashing them in because i refuse to have formula in my house this go round, but i will hold onto them incase of an emergency.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 6:00 PM.

♥A Better Look

here's a better picture and a better look at the strollers print.
it looks greyish in the picture but its not, its a shade of tan/brown.
Love it.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 1:01 PM.

posted on Sunday, July 5, 2009.

so i wrote almost two weeks ago about my baby shower and how i had received the stroller i registered for and LOVED it. It was the Orange Oak Travel System by Baby Trend. I loved it, all of it except for the fact we used the stroller the past two days for Vincent to go watch fire works and the cup holder kept popping off and last night i could not get it to snap back down, plus the rear wheel was looking wobbly like it was bent or something when i pushed it which was no biggie until i went online to read about it and apparently the stroller i chose has more problems than just the cup holder popping off. After reading a bunch of reviews i decided it was best to just exchange it for a different travel system, which sucks because i really loved the colors, but if its already having problems and Ive only used it twice and everyone else who owns it is complaining about it, it just seemed like the smartest decision would be to exchange it now for a better one than to have Daxton and then something worse go wrong with it and it not be able to be exchanged or returned. So my step dad, Vincent and i went today to exchange it. We explained the problems and Babies R Us took it back with no other questions asked, they were really nice about it. After looking at a few more travel systems and trying them all out we chose the Graco Quattro Tour in the Hamilton Collection and luckily i had a 15 percent off coupon so with a little help from my step dad it all worked out. Its really nice, its a bit bigger than i wanted, but i love the print even more and it has alot more convenient features about it including the fact that the shade on the car seat still pulls all the way forward like i wanted. I love Graco but when i was registering i knew i couldn't be picky because i was relying on other people to buy my things. Here's the new stroller and the picture does it no justice because this stroller print is awesome when you see it in person.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 7:06 PM.


Hope everyone had a nice 4th of July yesterday.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 10:09 AM.

♥29wks1day. < 76days to go
posted on Friday, July 3, 2009.

Hey you Mommies try this out
I have been searching the Internet for free baby samples anywhere and everywhere i can find them to help me out when Daxton gets here. I love samples they are great because for one they are free and who doesn't like free stuff and for two samples always come in convenient sizes that are perfect to throw in the diaper bag for on the go use. A few days ago I wrote the Lansinoh Breastfeeding Company an email explaining that i was pregnant with my second child and wanted to know if they had any samples (or coupons) they could send me of there products to try out. My email was responded to within 24 hours telling me that they do offer samples and that they will be glad to send me some in the mail. When i checked the mail today i was super excited to see there was a small vanilla envelope from them containing diaper rash ointment, nipple cream, a set of disposable nursing pads, a few breastmilk storage bags and a pack of clean and condition cloths. Try it out and see if you have any luck. If they do send you something you should respond back to them telling them thank you so that way they will be more likely to continue giving other moms samples.

No more stress
I'm super happy right now. Kristal came to visit today and she brought me a swing that was given to me and she also brought me a bunch of baby clothes she bought for Daxton. She picks out the best clothes! Its seriously as if i picked them out myself and I like unique clothes, as in NO BABY BLUE, in fact easily said I'm picky when it comes to baby clothes. Not that i wont use clothes people give me, I'm not stuck up, but if I'm paying for clothes with my own money I'm picky as hell. When Vincent was a baby i searched for cool baby clothes and always got super excited when i found something that i liked. I was always getting compliments on what he was wearing. I also bought a HUGE lot of baby clothes today from craigslist which i was beyond happy with. I pretty much have all the clothes i need for now. I mean i could use more, but I'm very happy with what i have.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 2:08 PM.

♥29 wks then, 29 wks now.

this was Vincent in my belly at 29wks.

I was going through some of my pictures and i found this one of my belly from when i was pregnant with Vincent. It was taken exactly 4 wks before he was born to-the-day, which also means i was 29wks pregnant in this picture and that is what week i am on right now with Daxton. Yeah, my belly is bigger this time, much bigger.

Yay, Yay, Yay
I am so happy. I figured out how to move my two other blogs into this one and it was more than easy. Check it out in my sidebar over there under archives, i am all in once place now. I-am-a-genius.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 10:11 AM.

♥29wks. < 77days to go
posted on Thursday, July 2, 2009.

Weeks 29-32 (Month 7): Squash
Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath
the skin. (Have those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped you off yet?) Baby is
also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though -- as you’ve also probably
noticed -- they don’t necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all
five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going
through major developments.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 11:39 AM.