Mother to Boys.

posted on Wednesday, September 30, 2009.

Daxton is 1 month old today.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 1:23 PM.

posted on Monday, September 28, 2009.

Daxton went and got his pictures taken yesterday and here are a few of them that i liked the most.

i like this one but i wish his head was sitting up more straight.

holding his head up, hes so strong.

this is the one i ordered to be printed.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 6:08 PM.

posted on Sunday, September 27, 2009.

Daxton is 4 weeks old today and i cant believe its actually been that long. It doesn't feel like he's been here for 4 weeks already and at the same time i feel like he's always been here and apart of our family. He's such a great baby and he has such an awesome personality already.

is still going very well and I'm very pleased with it. He hasn't had a bottle yet which makes me very proud and I plan to introduce a one to him in the next month or so that he can get use to it incase of an emergency or incase i cant be with him for any given time. I'm still going to exclusively breastfeed but i don't want him to reject a bottle completely if it has to be given to him for some reason. Hes such a funny little guy when hes hungry and i go to put him to my breast his facial expression gets so happy and excited that it makes me laugh.

is amazing and i don't want it any other way. it has made my life a million times easier and my sleep hasn't suffered so much because of it. he doesn't even cry during the night because normally ill wake up when he starts rooting around and squirming then ill feed him while I'm laying down and we both go back to sleep seamless. I want this book by Dr. Sears and i also want their book on Attachment Parenting.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 10:52 PM.

♥Somethings I Have Read.
posted on Saturday, September 26, 2009.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 2:58 PM.

♥26 Days Old.
posted on Friday, September 25, 2009.

Fun Birthday Facts for Daxton

.Your baby's half birthday is February 28
.Your baby's birthstone is Peridot or Jade (Married Happiness)
.Your baby's Astrological Sign is Virgo
.Your baby's Flower is Gladiola or Poppy (Orange, Red and Light Green)
.Your baby was born in the Chinese Year of The Brown Earth Cow
.Your baby will start kindergarten in 2014, be old enough to drive a car in 2025, finish high school in 2027, and will graduate from college with the class of 2031, give or take a year.
.This time last year you weren't even pregnant yet!

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 11:14 PM.

♥2 wk Checkup

at Daxton's 2 week check up (which was actually at 3 wks) he weighed 9 lbs and 1 oz which means he had gained over a pound and a half in two weeks this also means breastfeeding is going awesome! He grew half an inch since birth putting him at 21 and a half inches. The Doctor told me that he is a very content baby.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 12:12 PM.

posted on Sunday, September 20, 2009.

Daxton's three weeks old today going through his three week growth spurt which is right on schedule, and wants nothing more than to nurse constantly. Hes been fussy the past two mornings and when we get out of bed he will nurse until around the afternoon times. I barley have the chance to eat breakfast or do anything at all. Ill nurse him until he falls asleep and then he will wake again as soon as i put him down, so then i have to nurse him over again. I hate that hes so irritable and i hope he feels a little better tomorrow. "This too shall pass".

lots of threes
today Vincent is three years, three months and three weeks old. That only happens once in a life time.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 8:49 PM.

♥More Pictures.
posted on Saturday, September 19, 2009.

2 weeks and 6 days old.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 7:28 PM.

♥The New with Daxton.
posted on Friday, September 18, 2009.

-Daxtons umbilical cord fell off yesterday morning, so now he has a real belly button and he can take real baths now. We immediately took a bath and i think he really enjoyed it there was no crying.

-his eyesight is getting better. i can tell because he wants to look around now when I'm nursing him. when before he just stared straight infront of him.

-breastfeeding is still going great and I'm still in love with it. Hes such a happy baby. when he cries and i respond to him by picking him up or talking to him i can see his facial expression change to excitement.

-sometimes when hes nursing he will stop for a second and crack a big smile, i love it. it makes me laugh every time.

-this kid has farts that will put an adult man to shame. no joke. these arnt infant farts, they sound like they are coming from a grown man. he let one rip in public today and i was so embarrassed that i had to tell the lady behind me that "im sorry. it wasn't me, that was him".

-we're still Cue feeding and Co-sleeping and loving that as well.

eventually ill get around to writing a real post, but for now this will have to do.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 4:44 PM.

posted on Saturday, September 12, 2009.

Tomorrow Daxton will be two weeks old and it really doesnt feel like its been two weeks already.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 7:19 PM.

posted on Thursday, September 10, 2009.

"Collecting breastmilk is like collecting gold"
i have 6oz of breastmilk collected and frozen/stored so far and every time i open the freezer i look at it like its gold. Even though this isn't even close to the amount i had collected by now when i was pumping for Vincent, but at the same time i was exclusively pumping and not breastfeeding at all. Its hard to find the time to pump in the two hours i get between feedings so I'm pretty proud of how much i have collected so far.

So lucky
Daxton is an excellent baby. He is so layed back and hardly ever fusses at all unless hes hungry and even then he hardly fusses. Its completely different than how Vincent was when he was an infant. I'm really enjoying this no stress baby.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 2:53 PM.

♥Some Pictures From the Past Week.
posted on Sunday, September 6, 2009.

This is what he thinks of his bath.

Daxton getting his first bath 9/6/09

Vincent seeing Daxton for the first time through the nursery window.

i look horrible after having surgery. this was before they took him back to the nursery.


The first time i seen him.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 10:50 PM.


Daxton's a week old today and this makes for day seven of breastfeeding and I'm totally in complete love with it. I'm so glad its working out for me this time and I'm so proud of myself. He hasn't had a bottle or pacifier at all so far and i haven't even wanted to give him one. When we were in the hospital i had to supplement with formula for a day but i refused to give him a bottle so the lactation consultant helped out and set us up with a tiny feeding tube and syringe that we taped to my breast, so he fed through it while he was nursing. Then the next day i went back to strictly breastfeeding again.

You will never know how empowering breastfeeding makes you feel until you actually do it yourself. Its the best feeling in the world knowing that i can actually do it and that I'm succeeding at it. I cant even describe how much i enjoy feeding him. Ive been Cue feeding and its wonderful, i don't have to make any bottles so he doesn't get upset and crying waiting for a bottle to be made. Its alot easier during the night because i just have to sit up or roll over to nurse and then we go right back to sleep, there is no getting up out of bed to go make a bottle with a baby screaming upset because hes hungry. Its peaceful and such a different experience all together than when you bottle feed. i feel alot closer to him and its just a completely different mom-baby relationship. I feel so confident about the whole thing that i didn't even hesitate when i had to breastfeed him in public a few days ago. Its just amazing and I'm enjoying it to the fullest.

Before he was born I read everything i could about how to get a good latch on and i guess its payed off because my nipples haven't been sore at all yet and hes even to the point now that if he does latch on wrong then he will go ahead and correct himself on his own. I'm excited to go to his doctor next week to get him weighed to see how much weight he has gained.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 3:10 PM.

♥He's Here!
posted on Friday, September 4, 2009.

Daxton Reese is finally here he was born last sunday on august 30th at 1:29pm. He weighed 7lbs 12oz and was 21 inches long. I love every bit of him and so far breastfeeding is going excellent.

-Ill update more when i get some time.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 8:33 PM.