Mother to Boys.

♥Woo Hoo Garage Sales Are Still Cheap
posted on Friday, August 31, 2007.

I remember when i was young i use to garage sale with my Mema (grandma) and we would find tons of awesome shit for less than 5 dollars, as if there was this unwritten rule that if you have a garage sale must nothing be over 5 dollars, time went by and eventually the garage sale trips stopped, and the few i have been to in the past 5 years people were asking ridiculous prices for items, as if the unwritten rule was re-unwritten to say that if you have a garage sale everything must be over 5 dollars .... and so i stopped going completely.

Until today.

I was on my way to work this morning only an hour late, when i drove past a garage sale and you know when you drive past a garage sale even if you have no intention in the world to stop, you still look to see whats there. I was rubber necking when i noticed a little toy box sitting in the drive way just screaming and yelling at me to stop and take a look, so i did. I had no cash and yet i still stopped to look at this thing, and i loved it. its one of the rectangle ones that have a hinged top, and you cant slam the lid (just for little toddler fingers) on the top of the lid it was a cushion and on the cushion is a map of the world with different animals standing on each Continent. Even better than that, the small yellow sticker that was stuck to it read $1.00. What? One freakin dollar? No way? So i asked "is this really a dollar" and the lady told me it was. SO SOLD. I went to my car which by the way was parked right in the middle of the street for all the angry work goers to drive around, which made them even more angry than the fact that they have to go to work to begin with .... sorry i told someone as i walked back to my car. I found exactly 4 quarters- exactly 4.... what are the odds. I loaded my toy box in the back of the car, went to work and when i was done i came straight home to unload the box and get to work cleaning it up, i couldn't get it as clean as i wanted, so i just recovered the fabric on the cushion with black and white checked boxes....... the end results........... is a bad ass toy box that i love so much and cant wait to put all Vincents toys in, just so he can wake up to find it, and then open and close the lid about a zillion times because the lid opening and closing is soooo much more fun than the 200 dollars worth of toys that will be crammed in it. He will be pleased and so will i.

this is the before picture

I got a dollar, i got a dollar, i got a dollar- hey hey hey hey!

***** edited after the Vince woke up from his nap to discover his new toy box******

...and he loves it (cue the cheers and clapping now). He opens it and closes it millions of times just like i thought he would. Now, if i can only teach him to pick up his toys and put them back into the toy box when he is done playing with them. Hell ya, im on that.

this is after i redid the fabric

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 1:47 PM.

♥Figuring Out How To Use My Camera
posted on Thursday, August 30, 2007.

its like a battle field of Elmos

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 5:32 PM.

♥Its in the Past
posted on Wednesday, August 29, 2007.

So after yesterdays throw up fest, i was praying my Vincent would be feeling better today, and i was most happy when i went to get him from bed in the morning and he was back to his happy little self. It kinda made yesterday seem like a really long nightmare. Only the reality of it was every time he made a weird noise today i was terror-stricken that he was going to throw up.

We went to the 15 month check up today. Vincent weighs 24 lbs (though i swore to them that their scale was broke; that there is no way a baby that feels like he weighs 50 lbs could possibly weigh a meager 24 lbs.) and he is 31 inches long. I was holding him today after our morning shower and we were looking in the mirror when i was asking who that crazy baby was that mommy was holding while pointing at our reflection, its the first time i actually noticed how big he is getting, he is half the size of me.

I am coming to the realization that he really doesn't care for the camera too much, which is kinda a bummer considering i really like taking his picture. My first clue s the fact that he always tries to run/get away from me when i have the flashy device.........

......and my second clue would be the fact that sometimes i catch pictures like this one... look at his facial expression, it looks as if he is only letting me take his picture to appease me. Taking such time out of his busy toddler day, hes the best.. thanks Vincent, Mommy loves you to and i promise i will stop chasing you with the camera (at least until maybe tomorrow).

look mom hurry up and take the picture, I'm a busy baby and i don't have time for this.

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 9:51 PM.

♥Puke Machine

Yesterday was a crazy day, Vincent woke up at about 7:00 in the morning which is completely not normal, on a normal day he would have slept until about 11:00 before he woke up smiling and and playing with toys in his crib patiently waiting for Mommy- the- morning- monster to wake up and start the day. (because no... the mommy is so not a morning person)

This morning was different from the start, he woke up crying and i waited a few minutes before deciding that i had better go and see what was up, when i opened his door i was hit with the overwhelming smell of throw up.... that's when it all started, little did i know that following the next 12 hours the poor baby would get sick over 10 times. Its horrible watching a toddler throw up. It gives me this feeling of complete helplessness when the only thing i can do is rub my 15 month olds back and tell him its going t be OK as he is heaving and puking while all in that same moment he is crying and in panic stricken because he cant catch his breath.

I spent most of the day asking him if he felt okay, as if he was a grown child that would answer me. The other half of the day i spent cleaning throw up off the floor and changing him in and out of clean clothes and holding him as he felt needed. I called his doctor and they told me as long as he doesn't have a fever and he is drinking even a little liquid that he would be good until today which is when he has his 15 month check up in about 3 hours. He is still sleeping as i am typing this, i only hope when i go wake him up that he is my smiling toddler ready to rain terror on the day and not some poor baby who feels sick to his belly.

Sick Baby

sick baby.
while i love the affection he gives us while he doesnt feel well, id gladly do without it just for him to feel better.

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 10:55 AM.

posted on Tuesday, August 28, 2007.

I'm one of those people who really doesn't like to be alone, I hate it and i get sad and depressed. I have continually had a boyfriend since i was 15 because i like the company and hate being alone and unattached. The friends i have are the kind of friends who will come over to my house and just sit with me, doing nothing just being bored with me.

I use to come home from work and count the hours on my fingers until Joey came home, trying to pass the time by taking a nap or staying busy around the house. When i became pregnant it was the best feeling ever, i was no longer alone, ever. I had this baby inside me, it went with me in the shower, to the bathroom, to the bank, to the grocery store, to bed with me, it went everywhere with me. I felt him moving around and responding to music i played or movements id make.

When Vincent was finally born, i felt happy but at the same time sad.... sad to not be pregnant anymore. I think i was afraid of being alone again. Vincent had to stay at the hospital (preemie baby) and my fear came true when joey left to go to work every morning. Id call joey a million times a day asking when he was getting off work or when he was coming home. Every time i asked the same question even though i knew the answer, i think i was hoping the time would change and if i just asked one more time he might say he was coming home now. Id spend my days at the hospital holding Vincent, wishing the nurses would go away and leave us alone. When i left the NICU i felt lost, single and unattached. When i got to the parking lot and in my car i would call joey and ask again when he was coming home.

Vincent came home after a long three weeks of staying at the hospital. I was so happy. I wasn't going to be alone anymore. I would watch Vincent sleep daring to wake him up just for the company. Id sleep with him in my bed just to not feel alone. Id take baths with him and eat with him and prop him up on the couch to watch TV with me i held him constantly. He was my sidekick, my best friend and the toddler he is now is the best company i have ever had!

May be that's why i love being a mom so much, i love the company and the undying love my child has for me. I love the friendship he has to offer because its so true and honest. He always laughs at my jokes and doesn't care how i talk or act, as long as i am here with him keeping him company. He doesn't have the power to posses negative thoughts about anyone. He smiles all the time and doesn't care if we are just being bored together, because to him its all fun.

He doesn't realize i need him just as much as he needs me. He is my best friend.

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 4:45 PM.

♥Teethings A Bitch
posted on Sunday, August 26, 2007.

As of right now, Vincent has four teeth coming in all at the same time, and they are all the big ones toward the back. He has been irritable all day today, crying and whining about everything acting as if being a baby is the hardest job in the whole world. Just about the only thing that makes him happy is eating food and/or chewing on a toothbrush. He will gladly sit in a highchair for a good 30 minutes just gnawing on the toothbrush and when he is done he signals to me by throwing the toothbrush on the grownd and gibber jabbing in baby language while giving me a serious look as if i should understand what he is saying, and i pretend that i do by responding, asking him if he is done with the toothbrush and picking it up off the ground. Of course he cries because i pick the brush up, so i try to hand it back to him and then he cries because i am handing it back after he just clearly told me he didn't want it anymore and threw it to the ground. This is surly a no win situation.

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 11:22 PM.

♥Just Out
posted on Thursday, August 23, 2007.

Vincent actually said the word no today. He said it a couple days ago, but i thought he was trying to say phone, because it sounded like phone just with a 'd' sound in front of it instead of an 'f' sound and at the same time he said it he was pointing at my phone. Then i realized he would repeat this word every time i said 'no' or if he was pointing at something he isn't allowed to touch (hence the cell phone) he would say it about 2 or 3 times. Then tonight while he was taking a bath i asked him to "say no" no response, so again i asked, "Vincent... say no" and he said this word... it sounds like dhone. Its so cute, until he stood up in the bath tub and i asked him to sit down and he replied happily 'dhone' with this little smile on his face, again i asked him to 'sit' and he points at me and says again just as before 'dhone'.

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 12:25 AM.

♥Something i read and liked
posted on Wednesday, August 22, 2007.

Being a Mom


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 2:41 PM.

♥MMM, Crayons

My 15 month old son loves pens, markers, or crayons of any size, brand, or color. When he was younger i use to work in an office with my father and the only way i cool keep Vincent entertained long enough for me to do what i needed to do was i had to give him a handful of the fat permanent markers to hold and drool on. If i am at my computer and he is in my lap he reaches for every writing utensil he can see, he doesn't really put them in his mouth anymore, not as much as he collects them and carries them around.

With school starting and all, the stores are filled with crayons, markers and paper so i bought him his first set of crayons to learn to color with. He took to it right away, i showed him one time how to draw, writing out his name in the brand new crisp piece of paper. He started coloring right away. Randomly i would hand him a different color and he would continue color with out missing a beat. I knew he was done coloring when he started trying to eat them.

He is now obsessed with the crayons, wanting them all the time. i kept them on the end table in the living room where he couldn't reach them. Until he learned to climb, then he waited for the perfect moment when i wasn't around and the living room was quiet....

...."to quiet" i think to myself as i am sitting on the toilet going to the bathroom. I hurry up. (as all moms do when they have to go potty and there is a child at large who will have complete control over the house for the short few seconds you need to use the restroom) I go in the living room to see whats going on and what damage is done.......

what do you know, there is Vincent on the couch sitting like a good boy, but wait...... is he..... eating crayons.

"do they taste good?" i asked him calmly.
"uh huh" Vincent replied. Only because if you ask him any question he replies with Uh huh.
I told him "that's yucky, you don't eat crayons, you draw and color with them"

and i took them away, but not before getting a picture.

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 1:29 PM.

♥Flower Pot Holds Growing Baby
posted on Tuesday, August 21, 2007.

Mommy- "Vincent? are you growing?"

Vincent- ...... "Uh huh"


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 5:05 PM.

posted on Friday, August 17, 2007.

A couple days ago Vincent discovered the awesomeness of the toilet bowl, how cool it was to throw bottles, ABC magnets, and blocks in it. It was even cooler when daddy fished them out just so he could do it again. Then The mommy found this.......

The Sure-Fit Toilet Lock

and she discovered the awesomeness of this very very cool device- best part is, it actually works. it has two little suction cups the hold it to the back part of the toilet and they are spring loaded for a tight fit (no slipping or popping off). Then you just pull back that little grey lever on top and pull up on the arm and swing it to the left or the right... making the toilet accessible, when you put the lid back down it automatically goes back in place (no forgetting, unless you forget to actually put the lid itself down).

This is a must have for any moms that have a toddler who loves the throw things in the toilet, i promise you will love it. I think it only cost me $8.00 at Target. get it.

Vincent will no longer be throwing items of any kind into the toilet for the poor daddy to fish out.

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 10:15 PM.

♥Elmo Rules
posted on Thursday, August 16, 2007.

My kid loves Elmo


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 4:10 PM.

♥two things or so
posted on Monday, August 13, 2007.

whoa oh! Baby Loves Disco is coming here, yesss! I am so excited, and i am so taking Vincent. I thought the closest place they were going to be was in Orlando, but i guess they decided that Jacksonville toddlers need some action to. Which is great. Ive read many many blogs about this little scene and i want Vincent to be able to experience it.

OK, so i heard the new thing with Brittany Spears is that she tried to get her oldest childs teeth whitened, i know she cant possibly be that stupid, so I'm only going to hope/assume that she was completely joking, and the media just ran with it. I mean, who possibly could be so stupid really? I don't like Brittany or anything, but come on. I guess her oldest son is having teeth problems. Sad really. Does she ever brush them? Being a mom, that's part of her job if she doesn't brush them who will, what does she expect him to do it his self? one more comment on her... put some damn clothes on woman, your a mother, cover yourself up! Have a little more respect for your children than walking around with your tits hanging out all the time.

I cut Vincent's hair today, i redid the Mohawk, it looks so nice. I must say I'm really proud of my little man, he is so handsome. *** He started climbing today, as if my job being a mom wasn't rewarding enough. How it happened- I was in the kitchen cooking dinner (fried pork chops for those interested), joey was on the couch watching TV. Next thing i know i hear joey yell and start running toward the dining room, instantly i am gripped with fear and can only assume Vincent is in some kinda harm to call for such an outburst. I turn around and Vincent is standing on top of his little plastic picnic table. Luckily we got to him before anything bad happened. When did he learn that he can climb? I never showed him how. I guess sometimes they figure stuff out on their own.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 11:53 PM.

♥Feed Me
posted on Thursday, August 9, 2007.

i now have a painting addiction, i went and bought paint today to pain the hall way. I had decided last night on the color, i wanted a green color, but not too bright and not too dark. i went today to pick the color its called grape vine. i spent the whole time Vincent allotted me during his nap today to paint it, i love how it turned out, its exactly what i wanted, i plan on following the color through into the guest bathroom which would be behind the middle door on the left.

i also hung up my pictures yesterday in the living room for a finishing touch.....

i am pleased with the way things are turning out. Next i plan on painting Vincents room an Orange/Brown color, all of his furniture is black including the crib so i think it will look really good---- i cant wait!


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 12:42 AM.

posted on Wednesday, August 8, 2007.

I have been wanting to paint some walls in my house for a couple months now, and finally its done. with a little help from the daddy it only took a day. Choosing the color was a little difficult, in the end i chose a grayish -purple- beige color. i think i chose wisely, it goes with just about everything.

this would be my help

in the pictures it looks alot lighter than what it really is. i love it... here is the finishing look


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 1:12 AM.

posted on Saturday, August 4, 2007.

Why do toddlers like cell phones so damn much? If Vincent sees one of our cell phones its an all out war to keep it from him, which usually ends with him winning and carrying around a cell phone pretending to talk on it. Its cute, until you realize that your cell phone is missing and its like speaking another language to try to get him to tell you where he left it. Ive learned my lesson, along with the keypad lock, i now put my phone on the loudest ring it has... that way if its miss placed, it can be found with a couple calls.

"Hello, Daddy? Are you there?"


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 11:28 PM.

♥No Kittens Were Harmed During The Shooting Of This Photo
posted on Wednesday, August 1, 2007.

So I'm one of those bad pet owners, i haven't gotten my female cat fixed yet, so now i have another litter of kittens living in my garage for the time being. i know i know.... we just never get around to it. i am scheduling her an appointment to be fixed in about 5 weeks, after the babies are done nursing, but you know you love these photos.
(hey give me alittle credit, our dog is fixed)

P.S. anyone want a kitten?


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 10:51 PM.

♥Whats This?

i haven't been posting because i have been extremely busy with Vincent. I decided i was spending too much time on the computer and need to spend it with Vincent instead, so that what i have been doing. He has been walking now for about three weeks, its so exciting. its amazing how quick he learns, its like he started half ass walking... and now he walks with grace, as if hes been walking since the day he was born. He wants to walk everywhere. i remember thinking before that i couldn't wait til he was walking, because then i wouldn't have to hold him so much anymore... boy was i wrong, i think he wants to be held more now than he did when he didn't know how to walk.

We finally took him off formula about two weeks ago and started giving him whole milk. It hasn't been to hard, he has been a little fussy more whiny, but I'm not sure if its due to the lack of formula or if he is starting to teeth again. He pretty much eats everything we do now, sitting with us and eating dinner at the same time, unlike before i would feed him and then i would eat my dinner. He tries his hardest to use the spork we give him, its so cute and it makes him seem like such a big boy. He ate his first Kit Kat Bar today after we left the grocery store, with chocolate all over his hands and face he smile a huge smile and said "my mumma" while extending his hand out for another piece, just like his mommy i think he loves chocolate.

He communicates with us now and with one short simple sentence he can carry on a conversation that last a good five minutes. Everything is "whats this?", its amazing how long you can have a one sided conversation with a toddler even though all they can really say is "whats this?" while pointing at everything. You can see it in his eyes, searching for something to point at "whats this?" or "whats that?". I'm not sure where he even learn to say it,but its his most favorite thing to say, i think he has mastered the sentence he says it like a pro, so clear that even strangers understand what hes asking, even ladies at cash registers... "whats that?" and they respond answering him like hes a five year old, and Vincent just eats it up quickly looking around for something else to point at "whats this?".

We had a scare the other night... Vincent was walking down the hallway and fell and busted his lip again... it looked pretty bad, i called his doctor and she pretty much said not to take him to the E.R. that they cant do anything about it and that it will heal on its own, the next day it looked alot better besides the huge fat lip he had., so I'm glad we didn't go.


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 8:00 PM.