♥11wks Yesterday.
posted on Friday, February 27, 2009.
Your fetus currently enjoys a 1:1 ratio between body and head, and has skin so transparent that blood vessels show right through. But, fingers and toes are no longer webbed, and hair follicles, tooth buds and nail beds are forming -- setting up a significantly more attractive future. Things haven't been to bad, I'm slowly beginning to remember how tired pregnancy makes you, and how out of breath you get when you lift something or walk a flight of stairs. My back hurts almost every day and it was the same when i was pregnant with Vincent, so I'm not to concerned. I fall asleep pretty fast at night and always wake to go to the bathroom in the early morning then i find myself tossing and turning for what feels like hours when i go back to bed. My stomach feels bigger than it looks, and gets bigger at night verses during the days. I hardly feel sick, i hardly get headaches like i did with my last pregnancy, all around this pregnancy is pretty easy aside from the depression I'm experiencing. My doctor had asked me if i had postpartum depression when Vincent was born, so I'm assuming the depression has something to do with that, considering it feels like the same kind of depression. It doesn't feel like I'm 11wks along, time is going by really quick.
Labels: Each week
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 2:41 PM.
♥My Boy
posted on Friday, February 20, 2009.
[caption id="attachment_41" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Me and Vincent, i always wanted a boy."][/caption] I'm hoping for another boy. Growing up i always wanted baby boys. I remember in kindergarden i had a baby doll i carried everywhere, it was a boy baby, a cabbage patch doll that was bald... so it could be any sex i chose. I named him Justin, and my mom would let me have my little brothers new born clothes to let him wear because ... well, you simply couldn't buy baby doll clothes for males. Then when i was pregnant with Vincent i wished for a boy. I was sure he was going to be a girl, and i accepted it even going as far as bying girl outfits. Lucky for me when we went for the ultrasound to find out the sex... she ... was a he. Just like i had wanted. Hopefully this baby will be a boy also. All of my life i have had male friends, i get along better with males and find it very hard to relate to other females. Ive had very few best friends that were girls, most of them were boys. Its just natural for me to want a boy, but i have a secret... lately i have been wondering what it would be like to have a girl. I'm not saying I'm changing my mind about the whole "i want a boy thing" I'm just a little curious thats all.
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 3:43 PM.
♥How Big Is Baby [wk10]
posted on Thursday, February 19, 2009.
With bones and cartilage starting to form and vital organs beginning to function, baby is making major progress. Body length will almost double in the next three weeks, and arm joints are now working. (Soon, legs will too.)
This pregnancy has been pretty weird for me so far and the past 10 wks has passed by extremely quick. I have yet to tell Vincent about his new baby sister or brother. I'm sure ill tell him when i feel the time is right, but not now. Honestly I'm just not really feeling this pregnancy, i think it has to do with the horrible postpartum depression i expireinced after Vincents birth, or perhaps its simply because it was an unplanned pregnancy, either way i picked up blogging like i did with Vincent when he was a baby. Im hoping it helps me overcome depression and actually get into this pregnancy. You can read Vincents old blog here at Mama Loves Baby. i felt it only appropriate to start a new blog for the three of us, it just wouldn't seem right to use the old one. Its there if you'd like to catch up on old times feel free to read all you like. Labels: Each week
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 11:07 AM.
posted on Wednesday, February 18, 2009.
This is our new blog. I had one for Vincent until my old life was over, this is the new life, and i will continue his life and our new life here. Alot of catching up, aside from Vincent being almost three, i have a new addition. [caption id="attachment_6" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="My new addition. The arrow is a head. "][/caption] Today was the firstDoctors appointment. It went pretty well. I may become a high risk pregnancy for preterm labor, my uterus is shaped like a heart and it doesn't allow ample room for the baby to continue growing after so many weeks. I find out at the next appointment for sure. Labels: Doctor appoinment, Ultrasounds
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 9:14 PM.
about me. "Birth isn't just about procreation - it's about the creation of a mother, and as everyone knows, mothers are the fiercest creatures on this planet." im a... boy making, baby signing, co-sleeping, exclusivly breastfeeding, cue feeding, babywearing, tattooted and pierced, un-married and single, Pampers using, internet surfing, Yo Gabba Gabba loving, potty training at three, baby blogging kind of mom and i love it! email me at: callmealunatic[at]hotmail[dot]com = callmealunatic my boys. Vincent. 5/30/06 Daxton. 8/30/09 older posts. •January 2007 •February 2007 •March 2007 •April 2007 •May 2007 •June 2007 •July 2007 •August 2007 •September 2007 •October 2007 •November 2007 •December 2007 •January 2008 •February 2008 •March 2008 •February 2009 •March 2009 •April 2009 •May 2009 •June 2009 •July 2009 •August 2009 •September 2009 •October 2009 •November 2009 •December 2009 •January 2010 •back to the home page knowledge. •La Leche League Forums. •Kelly Mom. stuff i read. •Baby on Bored. •Martinis for Milk. •Nine Pound Dictator. •Alternadad. •Inspiring Birth Stories. find me. @ Myspace.com/callmealunatic be original! ;) |