Mother to Boys.

posted on Monday, April 30, 2007.

i know i haven't been posting like normal, one of my really good friends was murdered and Ive been a little distracted and in shock with that. it really sucks, he was a great guy. i have never met anyone who had met him before and didn't like him. Matt was amazing.

OK, so i am completely in love with the Fuzzi Bunz. i wish i had read about them before i had Vincent. they are great and so way easy to use. you hear about all these horror stories with cloth diapers, and none of it is true. they are wonderful. i seriously think you should try them out. I plan on using them with our next baby. They may be a little pricey, but I'm telling you it is worth it.

Vincent is doing all kinds of stuff now. He waves hi and bye. yesterday when joey walked in the room i said "theres daddy!" and Vincent started waving at him. so cute. i cant believe how babies get so smart so quick. i mean just a year ago he was this crying infant who didn't do a damn thing but demand stuff. and now hes this cute little boy who gives you kisses and waves at you and tries so hard to say whatever you ask him to. I ask him to say 'Mama' all the time it sounds like 'bombma' (... hey, ill take what i can get- and love it too) earlier he was trying to say 'dog' and all that came out was 'da'. also yesterday Vincent tried dancing to some music.

i am really enjoying this age. its seems that everyday he is dong something new, so its kinda like i get a present everyday or at least that's what it feels like, that same exciting feeling like you just got something new.

// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 9:49 PM.

♥Fuzzi Bunz
posted on Saturday, April 28, 2007.

Fuzzi Bunz Found Here!

When i was pregnant with Vincent i never gave any thought to cloth diapers. My family and joeys family all used disposable, so i knew nothing different. I became more and more interested in cloth diapers and recently have done some research about them. The more i read the more i liked. All the babies look so much more comfortable in these diapers than those crappy disposable ones... well i want my little man to look comfy too.

I finally ordered some Fuzzi Bunz and they came in the mail yesterday. I am super excited. I washed them and put them on Vincent today... i loved them. You have to change their diaper more often than with disposable, but Vincent seemed more comfortable and when i did check to see if i needed to change him i could barley even tell if it needed to be changed or not... that's how dry he was. I used three of them today, but i was out and about so i had to put a disposable one on him towards the end because i had only brought two extra Fuzzi Bunz on my travels. right now those three are being washed and i will definitely put them on him in the morning when he wakes up. I plan on ordering more. If you are interested, here is the Fuzzi Bunz site.

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 10:18 PM.

♥Zoos and Wagons
posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2007.

Vincent and i went the Zoo over the weekend with my best friend Kristal and her son (Vincents best friend) Alex. The Easter Bunny had brought Alex a wagon and Vincent got to try it out. They were so cute together... riding in the wagon all day. Vincent loves the giraffes, they are just about the only animal that he actually noticed and watched for a while.

He looks like sucha big boy.

You would never believe that my little soldier isn't dragging himself anymore. Today he was crawling on all fours. YAY! Nothing else new. Vincent is still working on saying bye bye, or actually waving. Working on saying Mama... still says Dada. He points at stuff now. Gives kisses. Babbles. And of course looks cute!


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 11:44 PM.

♥Wipes box
posted on Sunday, April 22, 2007.

Stella shows us what good uses you can get out of a wipe box... apparently you can use it as a seat.

Thank you Stella, i will remember when i dont have a seat, i will whip out my wipes box. Best dog ever!

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 1:39 AM.

posted on Saturday, April 21, 2007.

its sad when you make a new friend, who you really actually like and you are so excited, its almost like getting a new boyfriend in a way. they are all you can think about and you wonder what they are doing at random times in the day. you want to call them and hang out, but you don't want to seem needy and scare them off so you don't. you think this new friend is just like you and you have so much in common with them its almost crazy.

and then they stop talking to you and you realize the only reason they started talking to you was to see how your boyfriends life was.

well that fucking sucks! now you think they're just a bitch and you kinda feel guilty for your other real best friends for almost accepting an impostor. I don't need a new friend. Even if she is really cool, and has a baby almost the same age as yours. even if you thought you had alot in common with her and you trusted her and for some crazy reason wanted to tell her everything. She obviously doesn't want to be your friend anymore.

but i really liked her.

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 7:18 PM.

♥I Said "NO"
posted on Thursday, April 19, 2007.

We creep now. Alot. Vincent will crawl over to the couch and pull himself up, and then make his rounds, before bending over to touch the ground and plopping his butt on the floor in a sitting position. i don't even remember when this started. one day he was scooting (he still scoots by the way) and the next he is creeping, all over the place. Like a pro. I keep having this dream two nights in a row now... Vincent is holding on to something creeping along and then he just lets go and starts walking to the other side of the room with no help. In my dream i feel such excitement.

Joey lays on the floor with Vincent while watching TV and Vincent will continuously crawl over the top of him, back and forth, back and forth. I wonder what he is thinking while he is doing this. He just lets out theses little giggles and smiles. Maybe he is putting himself through training, getting ready for walking. When he scoots (crawls) it reminds me of the army men in the trenches , using their elbows to pull themselves along, staying close to the ground while barely lifting their knees to give them a little push.

Vincent is finally learning the word no.

I don't think he is too happy with the meaning of this word. My first clue is the arching of the back and the sling of his head backwards in a whiplash kinda way. My second clue is the fact that after i say "no"... for what ever reason it was, he repeats the action that i had told him "no" to... but in a more aggressive way, like he's trying to tell me "well i said YES".

For example: He loves touching our faces, but some times he gets a little annoying , so we say "no, Vincent" and pull his arm away. Then he proceeds to grab my face again... and i say "No" and pull his arm away and hold it for a second so he knows i am not playing. I let go if his hand and he grabs my face again, but this time really ruff, and quick. So I tell him again "I SAID NO" and repeat my action of pulling his hand away from my face and setting it to his side. He then slings his head back and arches his back and starts whining......

i thought this crap wasn't supposed to start until age two?

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 5:22 PM.

♥Fo Sho
posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2007.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 2:36 AM.

♥Enough Is Enough

Okay... the puppy must go. Today i went to my moms house.

Usually when i go to my moms i bring Stella so that she can play with my moms dog. They play and play until its time to go. I start getting ready to leave and i remember the puppy, now i am not leaving this puppy in my house when i leave... and i don't have the heart to make him stay all by himself in the backyard while i take Stella to go play.

I decide to take the little shit with me. I put him in a carrying crate for the trip because i don't want him to shit or piss in my car, because then I'd have to choke him to death. So the crate it is. Of course Stella gets to ride in the backseat next to Vincent (behind the passenger seat), because she is a good girl. She just sits like a little human in the seat and doesn't move or try to walk around or anything, just sits there and looks around. The whole ride there the puppy was in the crate in the backseat behind me and he whined and whined ... or should i say screamed. I yelled at him a couple of times "you want me to turn this car around, i will take you back home!" and he didn't care he still screamed the whole way there.

When we get there and all the dogs run around and play and have tons of fun. I go to leave and in the crate the puppy goes... my sister rode with us because i needed to drop her back off at her dads on the way home. Half way there she takes the puppy out of the crate because he wouldn't shut up. When i get to my Step dads i grab the crate from the back and set it upfront and put the pup in it. He starts whining immediately. Grrrr. i start rocking the crate, you know, like you do when you rock a baby in their infant seat when they are crying. When i realized what i was doing, i decided then... that enough was enough, the puppy has to go. I don't want another infant right now and that is exactly what he is. I didn't realized he would be so so needy. Stella was never that way, sure she wanted to be in your lap and all, but i never felt like she was an infant. And she certainly didn't need tending to like an infant.

I will find the puppy a new home.

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 12:02 AM.

♥Tag... Your It....
posted on Monday, April 16, 2007.

Three things that scare me:
1. The news
2. tornadoes
3. disease

Three people who make me laugh:
1.My son
2.My dad

Three things I love:
1.My Family (My son & My Joey)
2. shopping
3.My computer

Three things I hate:
1.Lines of any kind (waiting in lines)
3.sleazy girls

Three things I don't understand:
1. the war
2.why people who cant drive in the first place- try to talk on the phone and drive

Three things on my desk:
1.a box of wipes
2.Graduates finger foods
3.picture of my son in the bath tub

Three things I'm doing right now:
1. typing
2.watching my son in his activity center
3.thinking i want some fruit loops with marshmallows. hhhmmm

Three things I want to do before I die:
1. have the words to express how much i love my loved ones
2.see Vincent grow up
3. stay happy

Three things I can do:
1. Groom a dog . I got mad skills yo! no joke!
2. cook which i enjoy. just no time anymore.
3. sew...

Three things I can't do:
1. knit, but i would like to try it out one day
2.bake, i hate baking. to messy. money

Three things I think you should listen to:
1. good music
2.the people that are for saving pit bulls. they make sense.
3.a new born baby right as it is born, the best sound you will ever hear!

Three things you should never listen to:
1.people who seriously have no idea what they are talking about.
2. Mother-in-laws
3. Michael Jackson

Three favourite foods:
1. pasta

Three things I regret:
1.hating school
2.being too damn forgiving i guess that goes hand in hand with caring too much.
3. not trying a little harder to breastfeed

If you do this Quiz, Please comment me so i can read your post.

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 9:55 PM.

♥Motherly Code of Honer

All moms know the Motherly Code of Honor, which is that you never ever tell another mom how to take care of her baby, in fact don't even give advice if you are going to do it with the tone that the mother is in the wrong. In which case, the mother will just get mad and call you cuss words in her head and a few of us moms may in fact react in harsh ways such as actually saying the cuss words to you out loud.

There are a few moms who think the Motherly Code of Honor doesn't apply to them and that they were sent here by the "Motherly Gods" to tell you everything you should and shouldn't be doing. Which in most cases is complete bullshit and they should just shut there f*cking trap and mind there own business. (oops, i must be one of the mothers who say the cuss words out loud)

These Motherly Code Breaking Moms need to be stopped! At least need to be stopped before they get the shit kicked out of them and get put back in there place.

:::How to spot a Motherly Code Breaking Mom (example):::

Today we had to take Vincent back to the Doctors for his follow up. On the way home i was pondering what i wanted to have for lunch, Grilled cheese sandwich or PB&J? Hmmmm. Oh ya, i need to stop and get some coke from the convenient store. So i pull into the store and the parking lot is completely empty... except for my car of course, i park right in front of the front door. I get out of the care and get my change from the diaper bag. I decide to leave Vincent in the car , now i know i am never supposed to do this and i never do. this was my very very first time, i promise! But it wasn't hot out side, in fact it was pretty chilly, i was the only car in the lot, i parked right in front of the front door where i can see my car from anywhere in the store, and i have an alarm on my car. I was only literally going to be like 2 minutes. So i thought. I get out of the car get the change and set my alarm... satisfied by my "honk honk" my car makes when i set the alarm, i knew Vincent was safe. I go in the store go to the back, glance at my car-- OK... no baby stealers lurking near it. I get the coke from the refidge, and i go to the front counter. I look out in the car again... i see Vincent staring at me. God he is so cute. Then i am interrupted by a wicked voice "don't you know you arnt supposed to leave your youngin in the car?" the first thought that runs through my head is the one time.... the one and probably only time i leave him in the car. So i answer the bitch "yes, i know" and she starts to speak again but i cut her off "He's fine" as i am looking out the window at him. Then she continues as if my rude remark wasn't a hint to shut the f*ck up and mind you own business. She proceeds to tell me a story about a grandma who left the grandchild in the car and the police came and saw and took her to jail and then the mother had to come and pick the children up. .........blah blah..... ---Welllllllll- I am not the grandma, i am the mom. Yes i would get mad if i knew our grandma left our baby in the car.... but. i. am. the. mom! ...And besides if you are so damn worried about it then shut the hell up so i can get back out there. I knew if i told her that this was the first time i have ever done this, leaving him in the car that she wouldn't believe me.

But why do i feel the need to explain myself to her? I know i am a good mom. I know i have never done this before. I know my baby is taking very well care of. and i know she is a Motherly Code Breaker, over stepping her boundaries. Breaking the rules. Trying to make me feel like a bad mom.



// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 10:58 AM.

posted on Saturday, April 14, 2007.

We had to go to the hospital on Friday because when we went to the check up it hadn't gotten any better. They put an IV in Vincents arm and taped it up so it looked like a cast, we kept telling him it was his "boxing glove" he looked so damn cute with it that i made joey go home to get the camera just so i could take a ton of pics with him and his "boxing glove". They gave him antibiotics every eight hours. I got no sleep because Vincent didn't want to sleep in the "crib" (cage) they have, so he insisted he had to sleep with me on a pull out chair about two feet wide and six feet long- very uncomfortable. The doc came in today and said Vincent was doing well and that there was no reason to keep him, that he thought we had the infection under control and that he could take oral antibiotics for the remainder of the time. They released us this evening (Saturday). Vincent is asleep in his own crib right now, I'm sure that makes him happy. My baby loves his crib. We are home. now i leave you with the million pictures i took and i am off to go to sleep... i am very tired. good nite.


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 10:12 PM.

♥We are Tired!
posted on Thursday, April 12, 2007.

The past few days had been "madness". Our trip to the ER and our up all nights -plus the three different medications given at different times which equals out to about every two hours is starting to take its toll.

watching some CSI


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 9:19 PM.

♥Madness. Part 2

If you haven't read the first Madness post, then read it here.

So Vincent had his follow up at his own pediatrician this morning. She weighed him and he now weighs 21 pounds. My big boy. Then she wanted to check out his abscess. When she was felling it to see how it was doing, it started gushing puss. She then removed the packing that was in it lanced it again, cleaned it and then repacked it. It was really hard on Vincent, in fact he was crying so hard he was shaking and gasping. I feel so bad for him. I mean his thing looks like it really hurts. I have to go back again tomorrow and his doctor said if it isn't any better that he will have to be admitted in to the hospital

.... Wait what? Admitted in to the hospital? Wow. How did this thing spring up practically over night and now turn things upside down? My baby might have to go back into the hospital. On the way back home, i looked back at Vincent in his car seat and he was just sitting there, literally in a daze. I started to cry. For the craziest reason i have this overwhelming feeling that this is all my fault. But it isn't. Both the doctors said i had nothing to do with it. It just happens...... Then why do i feel so damn guilty?

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 3:11 PM.

♥Mommy questions

I saw this Mommy Questionnaire floating around and thought it would be fun to answer.

1. How long have you been a mom? May 30th 2006

2. How many children call you Mommy? None- yet.

3. Girl? Boy? Both? Boy

4. Did you know what you were having? Yes.

5. How old were you when you became a mom? 22.

6. How long were you in labor? actually i had a c-section. but when my water broke.. it was about 5 hrs. later Vincent was born.

7. What’s your favorite thing about being a mom? Everything. He's mine. His love is honest and true. He doesnt know how to lie or hurt feeling. Watching him grow up and learn things so quick.

8. What’s your least favorite thing? crying

9. Do you want more kids? definitely. 1 more.

10. Do you plan on having more soon? trying in the next year

12. How many times have you been peed on? to many to count. Lats time was just two days ago.

13. Barfed on? alot Vincent was a spitter

14. Is your child named after anyone? nope

15. How did you come up with their name(s): It was just a name we both liked alot

16. When your child gets in trouble, who is the bad guy? Me.

17. And who is the good guy? usually Daddy

18. What is the longest you have been away from your children? over night

19. Bedtime routine? lots of crankiness. diaper change and then sleep time

20. Are your toes painted? yes

21. Last movie you saw in the theatre? dont remember we prefer to buy movies and wach them at home.

22. One thing you will not give up just because you’re a mom? sex

24. One thing you did give up now that you’re a mom: nothing really.

25. Best mom perk: now- when Vincent reaches his arms out to me. and he's just learning to give kisses. i love them.

26. Snack that you sneak bites of from your child: all his snacks are good. i sample them all. animals crackers.

27. When the kids are napping, you are: on the computer

28. Where are your children now? sleeping

29. Favorite place to buy maternity clothes? Old Navy - Maternity Department

30. If I could do it over, I’d do this differently: nothing really. Maybe try harder to breastfeed.

Take the quiz yourself. comment me so i can visit your site and read your questions.


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 7:38 AM.

♥The Cake
posted on Wednesday, April 11, 2007.

The cake was so good. So, so very good. If you are interested in the recipe, again it is here. It was so worth the making and i will definitely make it again in the future.

P.S. I didn't add the walnuts (not a fan of them) and i also put a thin layer of chocolate icing on the top.

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 11:51 PM.


On Sunday Vincent was starting to get a small rash above his little PeePee, i started putting diaper rash ointment on it and changing his diaper more often. It didn't seem like a big deal.

I had to work Monday and he went to his Nano's house when i came to pick him up that late afternoon, the Nano said he had been sleeping alot that day- no biggy. I brought him home, and after a while when i changed his diaper and i noticed he had like a small bug bite looking thing next to/on his rash, it looked like it kinda hurt, and when i touched it it was hard underneath, hmmm, maybe he got bit by something... i gave him a bath and let him play around with no diaper on afterwards... hoping it would help clear up this minor diaper rash.

The next day (Tuesday) he woke up in the morning and i was going through the normal routine of changing his diaper, when i took his diaper off i noticed that the little "bug bite looking thing" was bigger and more red and a little hot when i touched it, plus Vincent acted like it hurt when i went anywhere near it. We made him an appointment to see his doctor the next morning at 8:00.

Later that evening, i thought he might be getting a small fever...nah. Hes OK, and he went to bed like normal that night, but then he woke up at about 2:30 that morning (which is so not the norm.) I went and got him out of bed and he was burning up... he definitely has a fever, and he started crying really hard when i picked him up. i took him in the living room to change his diaper thinking he just didn't feel well, when i took his diaper off....... that "bug bite" was huge and really red, and the "hard part" underneath it was moving up toward his belly/side area. when i touched it he cried hard, i was just assuming it hurt (obviously). In fact just moving him hurt. I took his temperature and it was 101.4. i told joey and we both decided that he need to see a doctor now, i mean this "bug bite" has tripled in size in the past half day... and now he has a fever, we don't want to wait until morning in fear of what damage it might cause. We go to the emergency room.

Now I'm not going to get into detail about how dumb the emergency room staff is, so use your imagination. Turns out the "bug bite" is an abscess, and it is so bad they decide it need to be drained... mostly because of the area it is at. They said there is nothing we did to cause it, its just one of those things that happen. They give the little man stuff to make him sleepy, but not to make him pass out. After about 20 minutes following taking the medicine (that makes him sleepy) Vincent was a happy baby. He was acting drunk and talking and gargling and pointing at Joey and saying "dad dad Dada" over and over. Joey has a video on his cell phone, its so funny. They finally come in and decide to do the procedure. It was really painful for Vincent and painful for me ... because there was nothing i could do about it, it had to be done. I felt like i was letting him down because he was just staring at me while screaming and crying... all the time with this look like 'please pick me up mommy, make them stop'. And there was nothing i could do. They cut the spot and drained it and put some packing stuff in the wound to keep it open to let the infection drain. 5 hours later we leave the hospital with Vincent fast asleep in my arms. He seems to be doing good now, he still really tired. Hes my baby and i love him.

Today is Joeys Birthday. Happy Birthday Baby!!!! i am making him a cake right now as i am typing this, its in the oven. I hope it turns out great. When its all done we will wake up Vincent so he can see the candles and at least have a small piece of cake. After all, i think he deserves it. He is our trooper.


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 9:03 PM.

♥Cute, But Annoying

The title above explains in detail the little puppy i introduced you to in the last post (Madoc). He is really cute, but that cuteness comes with the price of complete annoyingness. He wants to be held all the time, and honestly, i don't have the time for him. I didn't realize he would be so so so needy. My brother is supposed to take him by the end of the week, i think it is only fair to the puppy (and me of course). Stella is enough dog for us.

She (Stella) went to the vet to get neutered today, i told her about a million times before i actually left her that i" was coming back to get her later... and that i wasn't trading her out for the puppy" i didn't want her to think i didn't want her anymore, i love her. Then i leaned down and whispered (because the puppy was in the baby sling around my body, because he refuses to walk like a normal dog, he thinks he is royalty and i am supposed to carry him every where --not carrying him will result in a high pitch yelping that makes me want to strangle him, ---so carry it is) in her ear "he is annoying, i wouldn't choose him over you, you know i love you."

When i came back i gave her a huge hug. The doctor told me to feed her scrambled eggs for dinner, i had no eggs at the time, but i felt like i owed it to her to go to the store and get her some... so i did.

You see here Stella is so tired from her vet trip. And then there is that annoying little shit.... but god isn't he so damn cute?


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 2:53 AM.

♥The new news
posted on Monday, April 9, 2007.

whats new Number one.....

Vincent fell again last night and busted his lip. He was trying to climb on his daddy and his hand slipped and he fell.... he cried for two seconds and his lip was a little bloody. Joey was comforting him, and once i seen he was fine i ran and got the camera to take a picture {for memories, to show him when he is a grown up} once he seen the camera he was all smiles. They have a toddler shirt at Tartget that says "i do all my own stunts", i want o buy it for him.

whats new Number two...

We have a new addition to the family.We named him Madoc. His mommy just left him trapped in a yard and didn't come back and he is a little guy... so now he lives with us. Vincent loves him... and Stella wants to play with him. I hope he will be happy here. When he gets a little bigger he will have so much fun playing in the backyard with Stella. (speaking of Stella... little lady get neutered/fixed tomorrow. Wish her luck)

Welcome Madoc!

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 6:30 PM.

♥What makes me want to almost cry.
posted on Sunday, April 8, 2007.

What makes me almost want to cry?

-Every time i watch Animal Planet documentaries with the lions... when they go hunting and they kill another animals baby. I know they have to in order to survive, and that its nature blah blah, but that doesn't make it any less sad. Especially when they chase a poor tiny baby animal and you can tell the baby is trying so hard to get away. Then they show the mommy of the baby and she looks so sad because there isn't anything she can do about it except watch and then accept what has happened.

-People doing mean things to animals. like fighting pit bulls or roosters. It is horrible and stupid. Mostly it is sad when i see an abused animal that you can tell with one glance that the poor thing has had a ruff life.... but they are still wagging their tail and or still happy to see you.

-when i see the children on TV that are starving and have no shoes and they still smile because they know nothing different.

-mothers birth stories in fact any mother human or animal that gives birth.... i connect, and it makes me teary.

-thinking about the day my son was born.


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 9:23 PM.

♥Happy Easter
posted on Saturday, April 7, 2007.

Today is Easter... yay. Fun times with candy, treats, colored eggs, good food and small gifts. I have always liked Easter. I don't really remember when i stopped believing in the Easter Bunny, but now he is back, for Vincent. I worked so hard on his bunny that i made and tomorrow/today i get to give it to him. I hope he loves it. we will visit his grandmas and grandpas and eat tons of food and by the end of the day Vincent will be a tired baby. I love the spring, the weather is always nice, and the evenings are cool. I hope everyone has a wonderful spring Easter.


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 11:49 PM.

♥Best Friends, Just Like Their Mommies

My Best Friend Kristal has a son names Alex who is about 6 months younger than Vincent. We keep telling them that one day they will be best friends and up until today it seemed like it was taking forever, they never really even acknowledged each other. Every visit was the same, they acted like the other pretty much didn't exist at least not past the occasional walk up and stare for a split second. Then today... today they played. It was awesome. They gave each other cookies, drank off the same sippy cup (that was left behind on the floor by one- for the other to find), and Alex even gave Vincent the ball they had been playing with. It was amazing watching them play... and funny watching them interact like no one else was around. They will be Best friends one day... in the near future..... just like their mommies.

This is Alex, A.K.A. New Best Friend. Alex is one years old. I love his mommy to death, shes my best bud and my other me. (and before you pass judgment on another mom.... no.... he doesn't still use a pacifier, he just happened to find it lying in Vincents toy box and decided he'd put it to good use)


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 12:54 AM.

♥Peas, I like Peas.
posted on Thursday, April 5, 2007.

Vincents new favorite food. well, i shouldn't say new, he has liked them since the first time me ate them.... but he loves peas. every time he eats them basically its just shoveling them in his mouth. fine by me..... they are pretty healthy right? then I'm not complaining.


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 9:46 PM.

♥Loving the Hawk.
posted on Wednesday, April 4, 2007.

The other night we gave Vincent his haircut. a Mohawk. And i have to tell ya, i am really loving it. it is absolutely adorable on him. It makes him looks so much older. Not so babyish.


I am addicted to Animal Crackers, they are so very good. once i start eating them it is really hard to stop.


I think Vincent is teething again. He has been crying alot over the past few days and nothing seems to be the problem, so i took a shot in the dark and gave him a little Tylenol and after a few he stopped crying. I fell bad for him when he cries like that. like i have to play a guessing game with him. i wish he would just say "damnit mom, my teeth hurt" .


I think Vincent will be walking by the time his birthday gets here. He crawls really really fast and then about a week ago he started pulling himself up. now every time i turn around he is standing. He hasn't figured out how to get back "down" after he pulls himself up, so he will just stand there and scream or holler at me until i set him back on the floor. Then today he tried climbing on his little piano. He was standing there and i was watching him play and he lifted his knee up onto the piano, but he didn't lift it high enough so he just put his foot back on the floor and the he didn't try it again. Its so crazy to think that he is standing and trying to walk. it doesn't seem like that long ago that i felt like this day would never get here, like he was just going to be this little helpless baby forever.


He loves the dog food. We have baby gates everywhere, and if you forget to put one up he notices right away and hes off in that direction. This is how he found the dog food bowl, we forgot to put up a baby gate and next thing i knew he was sampling our dogs food and poor Stella (the dog) was just standing next to him looking at me like 'please.... hes eating all my food, come get him' . Now, we buy our dog "good" food, not that shitty stuff from Walmart or the grocery store. We buy her the "good" food because it has no fillers and junk in it that isn't good for her. I feel like i owe it to her considering she has to eat the same exact food everyday, so it didn't bother me too too much when Vincent sampled her food, because i know its natural stuff. But now every time i turn around hes off trying to eat her food, and hes quick. He grabs a handful and shoves it in his mouth before i even realize what hes doing, and then when i go to retrieve him, he sees me coming and grabs another handful as quick as lighting and shoves that in his mouth to. Maybe i should start packing dog food as a snack in his diaper bag instead of cheerios (I'm just joking, don't freak out).

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 7:27 PM.

posted on Tuesday, April 3, 2007.

Love 'em


// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 12:35 AM.

♥Yeah! My Kid Has A Mohawk, Whats It To Ya?
posted on Monday, April 2, 2007.

So we/I finally gave Vincent a Haircut while Joey took the pictures,Vincent wasn't to thrilled with it, he cried. We gave him cookies afterwards and the crying stopped and the haircut was forgot about.

Yes, we gave him a Mohawk. And we love it, i think he looks cute as hell. Joey and i planned before we were even got pregnant that if we had a son his first haircut was gonna be a hawk. Now almost two years later i have this wonderful cute son who sports a Mohawk (and very well i might add). I love him so much and I'm happy he is mine.

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// x0x0- callmealunatic @ 8:07 PM.