posted on Saturday, January 26, 2008.
The Newest Pirates of the Carebbean has been sitting on my kitchen counter for about four days now. I will watch it tonight. I will.
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 7:42 PM.
First of all, its my mom's birthday today, so i would like so say Happy Birthday to her. I called earlier and no one answered so The Boy left a message on her answering machine which sounded like (note that i am not holding the phone, The Boy is and I am trying to talk into the phone so that she knows it's us when she gets the message instead of wondering who left her a creepy message of a lot of heavy breathing. Mom it was us!) ((leave a message after the beep. Beeeep!)) I know, his phone skills arnt too great. He'd rather just push buttons and laugh in the other end. He was probably thinking Nano isn't on the phone idiot mom, why are you yelling into it. I'm sure my mom got the point though, she probably heard me in the background yelling, say Happy Birthday. So yeah, Happy Birthday mom! this picture was taken on The Boys Birthday about 6 months ago. That'd be my mom giving him mad sugars. The boy has been sick the past two days. I'm sure it was what The Daddy had a few days ago. He looks so sick, I know he doesn't feel well when he carries his blankie everywhere and doesn't even want to put it down to eat. Poor Baby. Our favorite medicine.... Baby Vapor rub and some Johnson Johnson's baby vapor bath. Its awesome stuff. The Boy was being really quiet and when i checked on him to see what he was up to i found him in his diaper box watching TV. Even when he doesn't feel good he still has the cutest smile ever. Check out his cute ears. I love this kid. I wanna squeeze him really hard. Labels: bath, birthday, Blankie, sick, smile
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 2:28 PM.
One Tired Baby Labels: tired
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 12:16 AM.
posted on Friday, January 25, 2008.
The Boy and I had a funeral to attend today for my Step Moms father who we all called Pop-Pop. Its sad, i don't really know the specifics, but his death had something to do with his lungs. While we were at the cemetery i decided to visit my friend Matt. I had posted about him a few months back. He was murdered in his home along with a 16 year old girl. They still haven't found the murderer and it will be a year in April. Matt only got to see The Boy one time when he was about 2 months old before he died a few months later. I took this picture of The Boy looking at the head stone while we were there. We went out to eat with my Grandparents and on the way home i decided to stop and get The Boys hair cut, which was long over due and his once awesome Mohawk was starting to look like a not so awesome mullet. I shouldn't make fun of Mullets considering my Dad sorta has one. Sorry Dad. The Boy sat very well for the lady and i am pleased with the way it turned out. Usually i do it myself, but it started getting so long on the top and i wanted it scissored instead of clipped for a nicer finish. Ah, much better, no more Rat-tail Mullet rip off. An then of course the petting of the Kitty Kitty. and as always holding the Blankie which he calls Gangkie. Labels: Blankie, haircut, Matt Brumbaugh, Pop-Pop
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 4:37 PM.
posted on Thursday, January 24, 2008.
Sometimes i just wonder what he is thinking? Its probably something amazing. The Boy and I received a phone call from his Grandpa and Aunt Lauren this evening asking us to go out to eat dinner with them which we did. After dinner Grandpa bought The Boy a huge lollipop. It was much enjoyed. I took this picture yesterday and then edited it last night, i love it. The Daddy was sick the other day with a fever, and then missed work yesterday. He was coughing and blowing his nose all night, and now The Boy walks around pretending to cough and then he will grab a tissue and pretend to blow his nose just like his Daddy was doing, its pretty funny. I'm glad The Daddy is feeling a little better today, and hopefully its not something going around so The Boy and I don't get sick too.
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 9:40 PM.
♥Ugly Weather
The weather has been pretty ugly the past few days. Its has been raining the last few nights, and in the day time its windy with dark grey sky's Which means we are all bored, i had been planning on taking The Boy and his dog to the Dog Park sometime this past week but have to keep canceling because of the wind and grey sky's. (Look how sad Stella looks because i keep telling her we are going to go to the Dog Park, but then i turn around and tell her that i lied to her and that we arnt going today.) So until the weather gets better we are staying inside as much as possible snacking on cheerios and trying to find things to entertain us. Like, tickling The Boy's feet and then laughing hysterically about it. Labels: laughing, relaxing, stella
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 4:42 PM.
♥Then & Now
posted on Wednesday, January 23, 2008.
Its hard to believe that this was him then, a long time ago.... and that this is him now..... a big boy and not so much a baby anymore.
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 11:46 PM.
Apparently if you give your toddler house hold chores to do it builds their self esteem and confidence. Sweet, tomorrow he can vacuum and do the dishes, after that he can do a load of laundry and then fold them fresh out of the dryer -all while i sit on the couch eating Cheerios and am watching Melmo (Elmo) on TV. Labels: toddler
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 10:53 PM.
♥Wordless Wednesday
Labels: Picture, Wordless Wednesday
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 6:47 PM.
♥Cookies Are A Bitch
The Boy has been saying tons and tons of words this month all of them new and some of them old. He can recognise a kitty kitty (kee kee), a baby (ah bee bee) and anything resembling a sweet he calls a cookie. Cookie, oh how i am quickly starting to dislike the word. He cries for cookie, cookie, cooooookie if he notices anything remotely looking like a brownie, donut, cookie, cake or candy. Stop whining kid, there are no cooookies on this house, mommy threw them all away until you get over your sweet tooth, here have a banana (mananas). Labels: cookie, cookies, food, whining
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 3:41 PM.
♥A Rant
posted on Sunday, January 20, 2008.
Be warned, I can be mean at times. Let the wild rumpas begin... To set it straight, i never was, never have been,never will be, and never want to be a Nicole Kidman fan and its mostly because she looks like a fucking alien. Earlier I happen to stumble upon an article in one of the celebrity gossip blogs that completely and utterly disgusted me. Apparently Nicole Kidman is going to have her father (who is not a trained medical doctor) deliver her baby. Fucking EW, i know! I mean its one thing having your dad be in the delivery room to witness your wonderful baby being delivered by a doctor and its a whole other story having your dads hands all up and down and in your cooch to deliver the baby himself. I always knew she was a weird bitch, they are probably all aliens. Sick sick girl! Labels: ew, gross, nasty, nicole kidman, sick
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 11:04 PM.
♥Daddy Needs A Drink By Robert Wilder
posted on Saturday, January 19, 2008.
I recently bought the book Daddy Needs A Drink By Robert Wilder, lately i have really been into humorous parenting memoir type books and i have to say this book is hilarious. Every page offers up a laugh of some sort. Its honest, funny and to the point. It is a book of essays but reading through chapter to chapter it still reads seamless. Its perfect for a parent who is too busy to read more than a chapter at a time. I found it very hard to put the book down and there where many times i literally laughed out loud. This is the book you will want to tell all your parent friends about. Labels: books, daddy needs a drink, funny, laugh, laughing, robert wilder
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 5:41 PM.
♥We fed the Giraffe
posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2008.
well i didn't feed the giraffe, I had to man the camera but The Boy and The Daddy fed him while mommy was secretly jealous. At our zoo they have it to where you get up close and personal with the giraffe's, its really cool they have this big ass ramp built so you are at their level. They use to have it to where you could pet them and all, but i guess the giraffes got a little shy and so now they have it to where you can pay 2 whole dolla and you get to feed them... from your hand... and its fucking cool. At first i wasn't sure how The Boy would react to the whole situation and i suppose i was silently hoping he would chicken out and wouldn't want to feed the huge beast so that i could step in like a good mommy and take his place and feed the animal myself/for him... after all we did pay the 2 bills and i wouldn't want to waste our well earned money. He entered the roped off ring on his daddy's hip and the man handing out the goods gave The Boy a branch with leaves all over it. The boy held the branch not even paying attention to the giant animal in front of him until The Daddy pointed and said give it to him then The boy cautiously gave the Giraffe his long awaited treat, and to my surprise The Boy held out his hand to to man with the goods for more, so the man gave him more and this time The Boy fed the animal like a pro, as if he himself was the Zoo Keeper making his rounds at the end of the day handing out all the animals food. When the Giraffe was done The Boy reached out for more again, so he fed him one more branch and it was time to let all the other snotty brats waiting in line have a turn. The Boy wasn't thrilled his chance was up and we had to parade him through the crowd screaming because i assume he felt that for 2 dollars he should surly be able to feed the awesome creature until the thing popped... and he would have if they allowed him. Labels: food, giraffe, The Zoo
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 6:32 PM.
♥It's Been Awhile
posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2008.
Lets see, where do i start, my birthday came and went, I'm 24... holyshitfuckdamn.... i don't feel that old. When i say "I'm 24" it sounds so foreign, almost like im saying the wrong age, but yep I'm 24. we spent my birthday at the zoo which has sorta becoming a tradition over the past few years and i don't mind considering it is my idea to go in the first place, i like the zoo. We took The Boy out of school due to his behavior or the lack there of, meaning he was being a freaking brat and was really acting up at home. When i took my Christmas break he turned back into his sweet charming yet still destructive self whom i happen to like a little better than that brat that i didn't know, or care to know. And soooo The Daddy and i thought it best to maybe wait another year and try it again. We... meaning The Boy and I, made new friends and i have been spending more time with them in the past few days than we have been spending time away from them. Its pretty cool, the young girl {we will call her Smiley} is pretty close to The Boys age and they are almost on the same exact learning level which i think makes it easy for them to chill together. Not to mention her Punk Mama is pretty fucking cool and very easy chick to talk to, so both The Boy and i have been enjoying there company greatly. Last weekend we took a trip to the Zoo where both children were very well behaved and very tired after the four hours we spent combing the zoo.
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 12:28 AM.
♥Life In 3 Minutes or Less
posted on Tuesday, January 1, 2008.
Labels: 19 months, a letter, Movie, video
// x0x0- callmealunatic
@ 7:43 PM.
about me. "Birth isn't just about procreation - it's about the creation of a mother, and as everyone knows, mothers are the fiercest creatures on this planet." im a... boy making, baby signing, co-sleeping, exclusivly breastfeeding, cue feeding, babywearing, tattooted and pierced, un-married and single, Pampers using, internet surfing, Yo Gabba Gabba loving, potty training at three, baby blogging kind of mom and i love it! email me at: callmealunatic[at]hotmail[dot]com = callmealunatic my boys. Vincent. 5/30/06 Daxton. 8/30/09 older posts. •January 2007 •February 2007 •March 2007 •April 2007 •May 2007 •June 2007 •July 2007 •August 2007 •September 2007 •October 2007 •November 2007 •December 2007 •January 2008 •February 2008 •March 2008 •February 2009 •March 2009 •April 2009 •May 2009 •June 2009 •July 2009 •August 2009 •September 2009 •October 2009 •November 2009 •December 2009 •January 2010 •back to the home page knowledge. •La Leche League Forums. •Kelly Mom. stuff i read. •Baby on Bored. •Martinis for Milk. •Nine Pound Dictator. •Alternadad. •Inspiring Birth Stories. find me. @ Myspace.com/callmealunatic be original! ;) |